Suicide Squad Twist√

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A/N: as cliché as this can be, I've been kinda obsessing over the movie ever since it came out and I kept making connections to 1D, cause you know, my life is 1D. So I'm making a Harley and joker twist with Louis and you! YAY! But to make it easier for me, I'm writing in first person POV SORRY IF THAT BOTHERS YOU! (also I might just be turning this into an actual book so please do not steal!)©

vote and comment and please check out my book xx

I straighten out my coat. Taking a deep breath, I open my new office. You see, ever since the eight grade, I'd been very interested in psychology. My original plan as a kid was to become a doctor, and you know, help people out because I love doing helping. But this new science is just so intriguing, I took it upon myself to do what I want to do. And here I am right now, finally opening my new office in the London Criminal Mental Asylum. 

Yeah, I have no idea why it's called that, either. 

Even for a psychiatrist, anxiety is something that rushes into me whenever I try something I'm not sure about. Yes, I have experience with people who have 'mental issues', but criminally mental? 

I shake my head and set down my files and briefcase. There's a new lab coat for me sitting on my wheeled chair. Brand new. Just made for me. I smile at that thought. 

"Y/N, when you've made yourself comfortable, you can come to my office. We have a few things to discuss," My boss- Paul, or as I'm supposed to call him, Mr. Zujrish- walks by and gives me a simple nod. 

"Alright, boss," I chuckle happily. I'm actually amazed right now. 

After a couple more minutes of getting settled in, I walk straight to Mr. Zujrish's office with a grin I can't seem to wipe off. This is all I had ever wanted. Did I mention I'm making pretty good money, too? Damn, Imma' be rich.

"Don't get too happy," He chuckles. "Patients here are seriously out of their mind." 

And so for that day, I carry on with my studying, and getting familiar with the asylum. I have actually a couple times before volunteered here, but never had access to parts that were locked off. Otherwise known as where the patients were held in their rooms. Now I have my own key to those areas. A bunch of other psychiatrists, nurses, and staff came in with chocolates, and welcoming me. 

Already feeling at home. 


"Ms. Y/N," Emma shakes her head violently and she looks up at me with such a sad glare. "You don' don't understand!" 

It's been a couple weeks, and I've already dealt with three patients. I was able to help the first patient within two long sessions, and he was let go just this morning. The whole staff was surprised, but I only shrugged at them. It's my speciality. 

Emma's an eleven year old girl. She has schizophrenia and does things that the demons tell her to do. 

"They started off as just voices," She cried. "But I was soon able to see them- and I really wish I hadn't." 

I shake my head at the memory. I felt like crying when I heard her tell me. She wouldn't talk to me for days, but as soon as I told her one of my secrets, she opened up with those lines. They shall always haunt me. 

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