Chapter 11: The Quoted Drawings

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Anya kept on twisting and turning in her sleep.

Every single time she would try to fall asleep, the only things that seemed to pop up in her mind were images of dying and harm. One dream in particular made her sit up screaming.

She was by this pond. It was in the woods where she met Max for the first time again. This time, something cold and sharp was in her hand. Anya felt her hand slowly bringing the object to her face. She kept hearing this voice saying "Go ahead. Take this and kill yourself. The world's better off without ya anyways." Laughing later on echoed and faded into the atmosphere. 

She brought the knife to her chest but instead of her getting harmed, she saw Max on the ground with a knife in his heart. Anya's eyes widened, but when she tried going towards him, she was only going farther and farther away from him. 

Leaving him to lie there as blood dripped down his shirt.

"What happened?" Sean asked coming into Anya's room. "You okay, Anya?" 

Anya was too shaken up to answer the question. He walked up to her bed and turned on her side lamp. He sat at the edge of her bed and spoke to her in a soothing tone. "Hey, sweety. Wanna talk about it? Where's that notebook you keep around? Ah." He walked towards Anya's desk, and brought two pens. He gave one to Anya, and she took it. She grabbed the notebook, and wrote everything of what happened in her nightmare.

When she was finished writing all the details she could remember, she slowly handed Sean the notebook. He read it, and his eyes changed from wonder to fear. He had the same expression as when she showed Max what she had to go through at school. While he was finishing, he spoke.

"It's just a bad nightmare," he said, but it wasn't very convincing to Anya. "You'll be fine, I promise. Now, get some rest. Tomorrow is another day. Okay?" Anya nodded, but she had a feeling that she wasn't gonna like tomorrow. Sean gave her a kiss on the forehead and walked out of the room; he gave Anya a smile before he closed her room's door. Something about this dream was worrying to him.

It worried Anya even more than she thought one of her dreams could ever do to her.

When she finally decided to lie down, she began to get this memory. It wasn't bad, but it had this sad mood to it. And at the same time, it had this warm feeling of happiness.

Anya was out in her front yard, against the tree, and feeling the light autumnal breeze. The area was blurred out, but Anya made out that the sun was setting in the distance which made the the grass a bit golden at the tips. She felt her lips curl into a smile as her hair flew in front of her. She noticed a red, paper journal next to her, and when she picked it up, it was named: Anya's Gorgeous Drawing Journal.

When she opened it up, there were a bunch of drawings inside. The vision made the pictures clear, and she noticed most of them were black and white. Only two were in color. Those were of this weird purple, furry little creature, and this woman on a beach with a light, see through skirt and a white half shirt. Her hair was grayed, and it flew within the wind of the background.

Anya took a look at some of the other drawings, and most of them had quotes written on them. The ones with no quotes were of how to draw certain parts of the face, while this one had the anatomy of a dragon. 

The ones with quotes were actually quite eye-catching to Anya. One was of a girl crying, and the words said the following: "'One's tears can break a heart. So can you stop crying, little cousin?'" One of a warrior girl with a sword said a piece of dialog between two characters.
"'Why hello there, Fair Maiden.'

'Not the time, Iznik.'

'Why the attitude? Feisty today?'

'That's none of your concern.'

Anya could only imagine a man trying to flirt with a lady is just being hated on by her. It made her laugh on the inside. 

Finally, the last one that caught her eyes was of another girl. She had this beanie on, and she was crying with her lips pursed. Her hands were behind her head with her hair behind disheveled and frizzy. 

What made Anya confused was the fact that she had a pistol in her hand, and the quote just made her wonder more.

"Getting out of the 'sickness' was possibly the most difficult thing to do, but with the help of many, I'm here today writing about my past".

Anya blinked and the vision came back to her room. What was that, she thought. As she was thinking this, she slowly found herself sinking into a deep sleep.

And this time, she didn't wake up from a nightmare.

K.C.T: I'm sick, and I'm miserable. I've literally been nauseous this entire weekend, and no remedy is freaking working. I didn't go to my classes today because I just couldn't make it. Anyone have any tips on how to get out of nausea? I Would greatly appreciate the help. Anyways, did you guys like this chapter? I'm super excited for what I'm going to write soon. Like, you have no idea. Anyhow, everybody say bai! OOWAY! <3

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