Chapter 7: "What's my story?"

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Anya came back, the next day, to see her friend again.

When he caught sight of her, he smiled and walked over to Anya.  

"Hey," he said, "Uh, I was actually gonna ask you something, Anya."

She looked at Max, wondering what the favor was. He pursed his lips together, and he handed her a piece of paper.

"This is where I live," he said, "Since you don't remember much, might as well give you my address again."

Anya looked at the piece of paper, and it read:

190 Orchard Street.

She looked up and nodded. She then got an idea. Anya felt her pocket, and she found a pencil. Since she couldn't speak that many words, she decided to write what she wanted to say. She scribbled along the piece of paper, and tore off the part she wanted to say.

"Why do you want me to come over?" he read, "Well, I wanted to see if you'd just wanted to come over. Just to hang out, like when we were younger."

Anya took the paper back, and wrote some more. She handed Max the paper, again, and he smiled at her reply.

"Alright, see you there," he said.

Later, Anya followed the directions Max gave her. When she came to 190 Orchard Street, she came to the door. She then got this weird feeling. Instead of ringing the doorbell, she did this fast and catchy knock.

When the door opened, a woman with black hair and blue eyes came.

"A-A-Anya?" she said, her voice shaky, "I thought.... You were.... Never mind."

Max then came behind the woman and smiled at Anya.

"Anya," he said, "You came!"

Anya nodded. 

"Anya, you remember my mom, right?"

Anya looked at the woman, and this flash of this memory came into her mind. It was a blurry scene of this tall building. The wind was blowing, and she was looking at the high fall. There was a woman, behind her, and she was telling Anya something. There was a line of speech that she could hear, loud and clear.

 "I'm sure..... they'd be happier..... without me being the biggest..... distraction of their lifetime goals,"

She heard sobbing, and she felt like falling, before coming to reality. 

Anya realized that she'd been staring for a bit. The woman did look familiar, and she nodded. She looked to Max, and he was smiling. Max's mom let Anya in, as Max led her through his house. The thin halls led to huge rooms, and there was a staircase that probably led to the bedrooms.

However, he stopped right when they came to a grand piano in the living room.

It was a black and shiny piano. One of those that they use in professional concerts. Anya did think that it was nice to see one, but she couldn't figure out why.

"You wanna sing or play something?" he asked her.

Anya sat down, on the black seat, and she looked at all the keys on the keyboard. She looked at the paper that was neatly placed on the area music would go. She looked at the song, and it read:

Everyone's got a story

She then got this small memory.

"Max!"  she heard herself say, "Come on! Make up your mind."

She saw Max walking back and forth. He was singing these lyrics, to this song. Anya looked around, and saw that they were next to the piano. There were music notes, on the papers on the piano, and Anya realized that they were on the same piece that was on the piano now.

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