Chapter 3: Remembering the Bad

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Anya was sitting on the couch, when she heard loud yelling. 

Her head began to hurt, and she went upstairs, to see what was going on. As she climbed each step, she kept on remembering the word "You". 

You should've been better than that!

You never cared for me!

You will never be a part of the family, anymore, if you keep speaking like that!

These sentences kept on replaying in Anya's head, as she came closer and closer to the ruckus. Not a single sentence made sense, until she opened the door, and revealed the woman and man arguing.

"She's non-responsive, Sean!" the woman said, "She's not talking, she's not acting like herself, she's not anything, at all!"

"Charlotte," Sean said, "We need to understand that she might get better! Just because she can't call us by how she always used to, that doesn't mean that she completely forgot us."

"You don't understand, Sean," she replied, on the verge of tears, "Maybe we should've let her die!" 

"Charlotte!" Sean gasped, "Anya is our daughter, and you know you wouldn't do that!"

"She never wanted to be with us, anyways. We could've just forgotten that she even existed."

"And live with the guilt that we let her die?"

The room was completely silent. Anya couldn't remember much silence. It was all full of ringing, yells, and pain. It was something that Anya just barely made out, about herself. Just then, she had this small understanding, of that mysterious word.

You aren't as good as you think you are!

No one lets me do what I want!

Because you can't do those things, Anya! So just face it and forget it!

Anya then realized that the word was talking about her. It wasn't just talking about her, in a good way. It was full of the flaws, the unevenness of her, and the uselessness of her actions. It was a word full of sorrow and hate.

Anya felt tears, emerge form her eyes, as she cried her way downstairs. She sat on her bed, and cried. She knew that what she was facing was something of her past, but she didn't know who was tlaking about her. The person talking could've been anyone. Charlotte, Sean, herself.


Just then, she heard a creak, coming from her door, and she peeked through her fingers. She saw Charlotte and Sean, with horrified looks on their faces. 

"Did she hear us arguing, again?" Sean whispered, but Anya could hear it all.

"I don't know," Charlotte said, "But it could be."

"I told you, she's not non-responsive. She's acting like when she was....."

"When she was suicidal," Charlotte finished off. With that, they both left to leave Anya in her sorrows.

And to leave her alone, once more.

K.C.T: Now this was kinda sad. I know, It's not as long, as I hoped it to be. I just didn't know what to write. Book ideas just come to me, randomly. They can be a mixture of certain dreams, things going on in my life, anything. Plus, the music I listen to can also bring me some ideas. Anyways, see you in the next chapter! <3

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