Chapter 14: Nightmare Plan

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Everything just seemed to stop for Anya. 

Every morning she'd wake up in her room that was in the same state as it was when she first woke up. She knew nothing of her true self, and who Sean and Charlotte were. Of course, Charlotte would come into her room, and Anya just thought all the days were repeating themselves. 

All of them telling a different lie. 

The days of school would be quiet and dull. Some of the kids just looked at her and went back to work, but others seemed to look worried about Anya. She simply ignored them. Every time she'd get a test back, it would always be a low score of a 70% or lower.  One day, Ms. Orr called her house and told Sean what had been going on in class. 

Anya heard everything her father and her teacher were speaking of. 

"Mr. Henry," Ms. Orr's voice buzzed through the phone. "Your daughter, Anya, I've noticed that ever since last month she's just been... off. She's not doing as well in her classes, her mood seems grim, and the kids around her are starting to worry."

"Ms. Orr," Sean said. "Anya had found out of what happened to her before she lost her memory, and it's just been terrible for her. And what's this you said about the students worrying for Anya?"

"Yes. Everyone's been informing the other teachers about how Anya's been acting, and it's been-"

"I'm sorry, Ms. Orr, but my daughter has been receiving death threats from those 'students!'" he yelled. "And now that she's becoming what they've want her to become, they're just gonna start acting solemn and calm?!" 

Not able to handle this conversation, Anya closed her door and locked it. She sat against the white door and curled into a ball. She let out small sobs as the day turned into a dark and cold night. The wind blew through the trees and made them sway like the shadows along the walls. 

Yet the girl lay there; she sat as her eyes soon took her into a depressed sleep.

She was running. The sound of leaves crunching beneath her feet made her realize she was in some sort of forest. The girl looked behind her and saw these people running towards her. It was almost like they were chasing her. Although her legs were burning from the speed and force she was running at, the girl didn't stop at anything.

As she was running, her eyes darted about her surroundings. Everything panned slowly by her. A swing with rusted chains in a grave looking area on a bald tree creaked as the wind blew it up and down. She saw a little girl walking towards it. Her brown hair danced behind her as she sat on the swing looking down and alone.

Just then, her running came to a stop when she fell into this pond. The girl opened her eyes and looked around the clear and blue waters. Bubbles were forming at the bottom of the lake, and they glowed with this bit of light. 

The girl took a look at one of them, and this scene of a boy with blonde hair and brown eyes appeared inside it. He looked towards the girl and smiled. She reached to touch the orb, but it popped into smaller pieces. It floated to the surface where light emerged. 

The girl had this sudden urge to breath, so she swam to the top. When she came out of the water, she was gasping for air, and the outside world was an enormous plain. However, the grass was yellow and grayed out. The flowers that were still in the grass were wilting a brown and were losing their original bright colors.

The girl got out of the water, and she noticed it was black and murky instead of clear and pretty. Before she looked away, a faint image of Charlotte and Sean crying became visible. She looked into the sky, and it was cloudy with grayed and blackened clouds. Just then, lightning struck the sky, and a knife planted into the ground as the wind howled and smacked her face. It's handle was upwards, and a small hand grabbed it. 

The hand was Anya's.

Anya looked into the girl's eyes. Her eyes reflected almost nothing. She then looked at the knife, and on the side the girl was facing showed the boy from before holding the same weapon only covered in blood. His eyes shut close as tears fell from them. The girl looked back to Anya and noticed she closed her eyes. The girl screamed as Anya stabbed herself in her chest.

What was worse was the fact that the knife was also in the girl's chest.

Anya woke up, not panting for breath of the nightmare, but realizing that she could've found her way of getting out of this world. The nightmare may have given her a chance to leave. Anya walked out of her room and went outside. Dawn hadn't broken yet, so she had a lot of time before her parents woke up.

And by then, she'd be long gone...

K.C.T: OH MY GOD! WHAT JUST HAPPENED?! Literally, I am in love with doing these kind of endings. No, not to make you guys suffer of the cliffhangers, but because it gives me an inspiration of what to write next. If I know what I'm gonna write next, the better the chapters! Works hand in hand. Anyways, everybody say bai! OOWAY! <3

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