Trigger warning
AN F!" Pete's mom yelled holding up his final calculus test.
"I'm sorry, I just," Pete protested. Then he stopped, not imagining he was going to get that far.
"You just what?" His mom taunted back.
"I screwed up, I don't know what you expect me to say, I can't bluff my way through math."
"You know what? Go to your room. I want your cell phone, your tv remotes, your laptop, everything. You know what else, I want you to break up with that boy, you can date again when you get your grades in shape," His mom yelled shoving him to his room upstairs.
"But mom," His voice cracked a bit, his eyes welling up with tears.
"No Buts, this is the last time you will fail your tests,"
Pete couldn't believe everything he had, stripped away all over one stupid test that wouldn't matter in twenty years. He opened the door to his room, grabbing his stuff his mother requested and handed it to her. He went back in slamming his door and collapsing on the bed. Over and over his mind repeated words to him, words to make him feel bad about himself.
'Mikey probably didn't even like you anyways, I mean who would, you're failing two classes and getting a "C" in the other three,' Here is when you could say that Pete lost himself, curling up into a ball of tears. He pulled the blanket up over his face, drowning himself out from the world, but that night sleep came to him. Instead he went through all the reasons on why he could break up with Mikey. It wasn't fair, he never meant any hard to the love of his life, but somehow he got dragged into this mess and Pete had to break it to him.
They say the only people up at three am are sad, or in love and in that moment Pete Wentz was both. He drifted off sometime around 5:30 am, only to get up at 6:45.
"Pete, I swear you better be up and dressed it is already 7:30," His mother yelled up the stairs.
Truthfully, he wasn't up and dressed, but then again sure he was. If you call sitting against the bathroom door, softly crying to yourself, up. He thought of all ways he could get out of going to school, after all he was in the bathroom, with cabinets stocked full of pills.
'Just a few over the dosage, no one would ever have to know,' Pete tried to shake that thought away.
'Think about Mikey, don't break him too, he doesn't need to be like you, he has so much future,' Pete blinked away tears. Then he did something he didn't expect, he stood up and faced the world. He put on his hoodie, and jeans. The whole car trip he didn't say anything to his mom, lucky for her that ride lasted three minutes.
Mikey stood at the school entrance just like he did every other day, except this day something was different. Something Mikey could not have seen coming, his boyfriend walked up to him and clung to him, like this was the last time he ever would get a chance to. Just like that, Pete leaned up and whispered the words into Mikey's ear.
"I'm so sorry, but we should take a uh- break"
"What do you mean we should take a break?" Mikey asked, tilting his head and frowning.
"I think we should just teak a break okay?" Pete said clutching onto Mikey's shirt and then pushing him away.
"Wait... Pete...Come back.." Mikey's voice replayed over and over in Pete's head.
"Mr. Wentz," His teacher called after him as he left the class.
'You almost made it too, you could've blended in with everything, good going smart one, actually wait you're not smart at all,'
Pete turned around in the doorway. "Yes Mr. Donet?"
" We need to talk about your last test results,"
"Yeah I know, I failed it,"
"You are going to retake the test in one week, with your grades, I suggest you study."
Pete walked out of the class room and into the hall, heading straight for his locker. He opened it shoving everything inside, and took all his things home, sliding his hoodie back over his body.
"Hey, Pete?" Pete turned around to face his boyfri- ex boyfriend.
"Hey, Mikey.." He stated as casually as he could.
"Are we going to talk about what happened this morning or what?" Mikey asked, his tone getting a little bit sadder.
"I'm sorry, that's all i have to say" Pete said walking back to his mother's car.
"Pete!" Mikey called after him.
"Goodbye Mikey!" Pete shouted back.
"How was you day today sweetie?" his mother asked smiling at him, as if she did nothing wrong, and didn't make him break up with the love of his life.
"My day was perfectly okay," Pete spat back at her.
"Do not get that tone with me!"
"Sorry," he said even though in no way was he sorry.
"Did you talk to your math teacher?"
"yeah he said I can retake the test."
"Then you study, you study the entire time frame you have."
" Mom?" Pete asked getting out of the car and using his key to open his house door.
"What do you want Pete?"
"Why did you make us break up?" Pete asked looking into her eyes for the first time.
"Because he is a distraction and that is one of the few things you need right now." His mother returned
"But I love him," Pete spoke.
"You are so young you have no idea what true love is like,"
"Whatever Mom i'm out of here,"
Pete walked out of the house and started running down the street, luckily for him Mikey lived about a fifteen minutes away from him. Pete arrived to Mikey's door, breathing heavily and his eyes tear stained.
"Pete? Are you okay?"
'No I'm most certainly not okay, please hold me, make it better,'
"Yeah, I'm fine, I just needed to ask a favor of you,"
"And that is?"
"Could you maybe tutor me in math?"
"Is that really the favor you wanted to ask?"
'No it isn't I want you, I want you to save me, Mikey you need to save me.'
"Yeah, that's it."
Little did he know, every single time Pete fought the mind, he was fighting his courage, every ounce of happiness he had left was leaving. Pete followed Mikey up to his bedroom. It had changed, significantly since the last time he had been in his room. None the less it explained exactly who Mikey was to the world. His books stacked high in one corner room, towering over his stack of video games. His bed was pushed against a wall and the blankets were sloppily thrown on to the bed, uneven and obviously quickly made.
" I'm sorry. The room is a mess I know," Mikey smiled noticing that Pete was looking around the room.
"No it's okay," Pete made a small half smile and sat down on the bed.
"I love you Pete," Mikey said "Or is that out of the limits to say?"
'I love you too, I love you more than you will ever know, you are so amazing and kind and you care about so much. You are my happiness'
"I think that for right now we should keep those words to a minimum."
"Oh....Okay that's fine don't worry about it," Mikey sat down on the bed next to Pete.
"What were you playing before I came here?" Pete asked, looking at the tv.
"Oh nothing too interesting, just a bit of time passing games,"
The two boys sat on the bed making small talk until, Mikey got onto the subject of math. He helped Pete figure the basics out and eventually Pete got up, pulling Mikey in for a hug and returned to his home. When he got there his mom sat in the kitchen.
"Do not tell me you went to slut's house,"
' He is not a slut, mom he is a person, he is my person'
"No mom I went for a walk,"
"Tell me! Did you go to the slut's house," His mom shouted at him.
"I'm sorry... Mom he just, I needed him," Pete got pushed past his breaking point with his mother.
"Get out of my house!" His mother's tone was strong and steady, no weakness.
" Where am I supposed to go mom, I'm a teenager?" Pete asked tears welling again.
"Go see your slut, run to him be with him and hopefully you will get a passing grade if not, doesn't matter you are not my child to care about anymore, come home when you are ready to give up the guy for your family."
And just just like that, Pete's world fell apart, no one helping him out of the hole he got himself into. He tried to act tough, not caring, so he marched out the house, the only things with him, a ten dollar bill in his pocket and a hoodie that was draped across his arm. He walked along the dark streets, all the way to Mikey's house, and for the second time that day, he was showing up crying.
"Pete??" Mikey asked out of his window.
"Mikes... I need you...." Pete's voice was distant he couldn't battle his thoughts any longer. He was hiding something, something that taunted his mind, in the pocket of his hoodie six pills sat, he had them with him all day, and up until that moment he was fine. Then it started raining, hard. Pete was soaked in the two minutes it took for Mikey to get downstairs. He opened the door and pulled Pete into a hug.
"Are you okay?" Mikey asked Pete.
" No Mikey I am not okay." Pete pulled the pills out his pocket and set them in Mikey's hand.
"Pete?" Mikey asked, starting to cry.
"I didn't take any of them Mikes. I promise."
Mikey walked up to his room with Pete after throwing the pills away. He climbed into his bed and pulled Pete with him.
"You're okay with me here..." Mikey said.
"My mom kicked me out Mikey, I'm all on my own.." Pete cried into Mikey's shoulder.
"You can stay here with me, you're safe here, we're going to get you help."

Petekey oneshots {petekey}
FanfictionPetekey oneshots that ill be updated spratically