*triggering// suicide mentions//*
"If I called you at three in the morning, what would you do?"
"I don't know, why would you call?"
"What if I needed you then."
"I'd be there."Pete Wentz always needed someone there, but rarely did he ever speak up about it. He held back his feelings and locked them away in a box in the back of his head.
No one even dared to go back there so what did it matter, there were times Pete didn't even want to venture his deepest thoughts, but at three am, he did. He sat on his bed, his body shaking and his mind a wreck.
His eyes closed, his heart pounding. There was no one who would ever understand, for he could never put this amount of despair into words. If he did, the words would haunt him, these were the thoughts he tried to put away, if he spoke them, they would have to be real.
Mikey was rather okay most of the time, he tried to mind his own business, but if someone needed him, he'd be there. It didn't always work out like that though. People rarely needed mikey so he never knew if his help actually worked.
Pete's hand reached for his phone, his room was drenched in darkness so as he reached out, he worried he wouldn't find anything and he would be stuck with the prison in his mind. But, greatly enough, in his hand he held his phone.
He didn't have to see to know who he was calling.
"Hello?" Shit he sounded like he was sleeping.
"Mikey." His voice was unsteady.
"Are you okay?"
"What do you need?"
"I-I don't really know."
"I'm coming to get you, just, uh, let me get dressed."
"You don't have to do this."
"I'm coming, get ready."
Pete shuffled through the dark, he dressed himself in the dark. He ran his fingers through his hair, smoothing it out and trying to look presentable.
It was three am, Friday morning, June 24th and Pete Wentz was set on killing himself.
Now Mikey Way was going to try to save the boy, if only he knew what he was getting himself into. He never knew Pete's intentions that night, he just knew he needed help. He planned on help.
Pete stood outside, it was not too warm for a summer night. Mikey pulled into his driveway, getting out and running to the porch. He hugged him tightly. Pete buried his face in Mikey's neck. Mikey kissed his cheek.
"I've got you now." Mikey whispered to the shivering boy.
"I'm sorry." He sighed softly.
"Don't be, I plan to keep every promise I've ever made to you. This was one of them."
Pete just cuddled into the boy, he let himself be held. That was all he needed.
The two got in the car and Pete sat in the passenger side, he decided driving would not be a good idea with so much built up emotions. He kept everything bottled up inside him. He was like a soda can that was shook too hard, you found one emotion you've opened them all and they come pouring out. He tried not to let anyone have access to his emotions, they would be able to do whatever they wanted with them, he couldn't take that from another person.
Mikey drove them to the highway. The night was rather clear, a blanket of black in the sky, littered with a blueish moon and tons of stars- all sizes. Mikey fumbled for the radio, he turned it up. The music was something of which the boys have never heard before so they sat in silence listening to the new music, knowing that this would be the only time they would first hear the song. Or at least Pete did. Maybe mikey didn't overanalyze like Pete did.
Pete put down the window, the wind rushed over his face, chilling him. He closed his eyes, the music was sucked out the window and he could barely hear it. His eyes started watering from so much air being blown over his face and this had to be one of the few times he felt safe at three am.

Petekey oneshots {petekey}
FanfictionPetekey oneshots that ill be updated spratically