Tales of an Uchiha - Chapter 1. A prodigy comes home.

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So this is my first fanfic as my talent lies in drawing and not writing but I figured I'd give it a go...be gentle. At the beginning of this story Kasumy is almost seven years old. As this is just the first chapter I haven't explained a lot but I did it deliberately to allow for events to unfold as the story continues. With each change in age etc I will explain it at the beginning of the the chapter so as not to confuse anyone. Since this is a fanfic all rights regarding new characters belong to me. All other credit belongs to Masashi Kisimoto. 


"Where am I?"

"What's going on?"

"What is this?"

My mind carried through the motions trying to figure out what was happening.

I had the sensation of being carried by someone but I couldn't see much. My head was filled with a cloudy white haze as if caught in a dream.

All of a sudden glimpses, glimpses of a face. Was it a face? Yes, but it's partially covered by a mask. And I could make out...starlight? 

"It's OK. We've got you" came a voice I'd never heard before.

"Who are you?" I asked faintly

"Don't worry about that now, You're safe" 

'Safe? Safe from who? What the hell was going on here' I wondered

'This is exhausting' I thought and with that my body agreed...I passed out again.


I awoke again and almost instantly I knew this wasn't home.

"Uuugh my head hurts" I groaned to myself

I tried to clear the fog shrouding my brain as I rubbed my eyes and blinked.

I sat up in the bed and took in my surroundings. 

Everything looked...sterile. White and metallic. To my right was a window, to my left was a bedside locker and other than the bed I was lying on

and the chair in the corner, there wasn't much else. I was clearly in a hospital room. But how did I get here? 

And where was my family? 

I tried to remember but nothing came to me. Nothing but darkness. Was I alone now? Had everyone left me?

I tried to stand up to take a look out the window but realised I was attached to an IV.

"Dammit" I swore, just as there was a knock at the door. 

"Come in" I said hesitantly

I settled back onto the bed and as I did I realised the mark on my hand was gone.

'What the...?' 

Just at that moment in walked a nurse holding a tray. 

"How're you feeling dear?" asked the nurse

"Uh, f-fine!" I stuttered "I'm fine, thank you" 

"That was a nasty piece of trouble you got yourself into. You're lucky help arrived when it did" cooed the nurse. 

"Where am I?" "Where are my family? Where's Saya?" I asked, panic rising in my throat.

"Oh, um, Don't bother yourself with that right now, I'm sure Lord Hokage will explain everything to you soon" "Why don't you try to get some rest now?" she said as she fussed over my chart.

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