Tales of an Uchiha. Chapter 5. A shock confession

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The wind wiped through my hair as I picked up speed, running through the trees in the land of fire. We were pursuing a small band of low grade missing nin who had defected from their villages and were now stealing and terrorizing local towns.

"Takeo! How far away are they?" I asked Takeo as he kept pace on Daimaru.

"A couple of hundred yards and closing. I can smell them pretty strongly now" he answered sniffing the air

"Get ready everyone" Emi warned

"We have to stop them before they reach the village, if they enter they could reek havoc with the locals" I urged.

"Watch out Kasumy!!!" 

I didn't even know who had called out the warning all I could think about was the row of paper bombs beginning to explode in my face. 

At the last minute, I managed to create a shadow clone and propelled myself backward off her back out of harms way. I just about managed to land safely on a tree branch.

I swore.

Everyone came to a quick stop. 

"Emi what do we do? We won't reach them in time at this pace" I claimed with concern.

"Not a problem. These are barrier tags. They'll set off the paper bombs once the barrier is broken" She stated

"What's your plan? and fast!" Takeo urged

"Stand back and sheild yourselves" she said as she took two wheel shuriken from her hip pouch. She threw them expertly through the trees and quickly made hand signs. All of a sudden there was a black wall of shuriken flying through the trees

setting off all of the paper bombs one after the other. 

"Good job Emi! Looks like that extra target practice is really paying off" I called.

We were off again running with all of our might. As we gained on the enemy we split up. I was to take them head on and Emi and Takeo would come at them from the sides. They had to know we were on their tail due to the broken barrier seals. 

We were close now, I could sense their chakra. There were at least four of them. I activated my sharingan. 

Suddenly bolts of lightning ripped through the earth followed by screams. Emi must've used her lightning burial jutsu. I sensed the enemy coming to a stop. I entered the clearing at the same moment as Emi. 

two out of four of our enemies were lying on the ground unmoving. One came running at Emi and she did a spinning roundhouse kick to his head, knocking him into a tree with a thump. He stumbled a little and came running at her again, kunai knife in hand, yelling

"You stupid kid! I'm gonna annihilate you". Him and Emi began to fight, with her laughing and jeering him the entire time. 

Where the heck was Takeo and Daimaru I thought. 

The remaining guy came at me but I wanted to end this quickly and get these idiots back to face the Daimyo lord, so I performed a genjutsu. I yelled at the baka to look me in the eye before I kicked his ass. 

He laughed at me but the fool fell for my trick, he looked me straight in the eye and I watched as his eyes glazed over. In his mind he was being slowly crushed to death between two walls. I could sense his terror as he felt the illusory pressure building within his

body. Any minute now he would imagine his body exploding. I took no pleasure from using my genjutsu but we needed to end this now! 

Suddenly I sensed another chakra from behind me. I turned in time to see a man raise his sword to swing at me. At that exact moment Takeo and Daimaru burst into the clearing performing their fang over fang jutsu. They slammed into the man and practically buried him. 

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