Tales of an Uchiha. Chapter 12. ANBU confession.

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Itachi had decided he would be the one to carry out my wishes to have my body destroyed

but he couldn't bring himself to take my life from me. It was decided that Shisui would do it,

much to his dismay. The plan was good to go and it would soon be set in motion. 

I couldn't believe it had come to this. I was thirteen years old and I was about to die for my love

of Konoha, my love of family and most of all my love of the boy who had guided me from darkness 

with his incandescently bright existence. I was about to die for Naruto. I just hoped that one day he would understand

my actions and not despise me for them. I had one person left in my life who I was willing to die for. I knew

she would never accept my plan but she would hate me if I died without telling her. One thing Emi always said to me

before missions, since we joined ANBU, was "Don't die before telling me". I didn't understand the meaning 

at the time but now I felt she had always known that I would do something like this. She was still off on a mission of her own but she

was due back any day now and I knew I had to tell her my plans. It had to wait though because Kakashi and I were sent

out on a mission of our own which meant I only had to hope she was in the village when I arrived home again.


Kakashi and I made our way across the boarders in the Land of Fire. We had gotten word that the sand village had an 

'ultimate weapon' and we had been ordered to infiltrate the village and find out as much information as possible on the matter. As we made our way towards

Suna, we ran into very little trouble. Missions like this were easy, they were...peaceful which drove me even further to want 

to keep things that way. As we arrived in the desert, a sandstorm hit and we were forced to seek shelter in a cave to wait it 

out. We'd been stuck there for two days now, saying very little to each other until eventually Kakashi broke the ice. 

"Kasumy" he spoke as I lifted my eyes from the camp fire to meet his. 

When he didn't say anything I urged him on "What is it?"

He looked slightly uncomfortable and shook his head. I waited for him to start again and just as I looked away 

he made a movement. My eyes snapped back to him when I realised what he was doing.

I watched as he removed his headband and pulled his mask away from his face. He was looking at the ground, 

his brow creased in frustration. I'd never seen him like this before. So bare. Kakashi wasn't one for conveying

his emotions so freely but with me he was always willing to take down his walls and I didn't quite understand why. 

I gasped slightly when he revealed his face. I don't think I'd ever seen someone quite so handsome in all my life. 

He lifted his eyes to meet mine and began again. "Kasumy-San...I...this is going to sound strange 

but I want to ask you something and I hope you will give me an honest answer if you give me an answer at all"

I thought to myself 'Well you'll be dead in a few weeks what do you have to lose' so I eyed him curiously

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