Tales of an Uchiha. Chapter 9. The Chunin Exams pt. 3

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I ran stumbling from Emi's room in utter shock, her voice calling my name, fading out as I gained distance down the corridor.

This wasn't happening to me, it couldn't be but it was now the perfect explanation for the immense power I'd felt surging through my body back in the clearing.

The whole time I'd just thought maybe my sharingan had fully matured in some unknown way, but the rinnegan?! Seriously? This was going to make my life so much worse!! 

I ran all the way home to my apartment. There was only one person I wanted to see right now, only one person who pulled me from my dark moments. 

"Naruto!!!" I called as I burst in the door. "Naruto, where are you?" 

"In here!!" he called back as I turned into living room and hurrying to his side. He was sat reading something or other and he looked up with a smile when I entered. I ran to him and hugged him tightly. I could sense his worry. 

"What's wrong big sister? Did something happen?" he asked looking up at me, the smile leaving his face only to be replaced by confusion and...fear?.

"Wha...what's wrong with your eyes?"

My eyes. 

I paused and went to the bathroom to take a look in the mirror and the pale face staring back at me was shocking. It was streaked with tears, blood and grime and framed 

by hair in wild disarray. But what was most shocking was the eyes staring back at me from under heavy dark lashes. They were purple and hypnotizing. The whites of my eyes were no more

and I no longer looked like myself. I heard a small voice from behind me.

"Kasumy what happened to your eyes?" Naruto asked me slowly, cautiously. 

I slowly turned around and looking at the floor and whispered. "Do I frighten you Naruto?" 

Looking confused he replied "No. Yes. I mean your eyes are different but that's not why I'm frightened. I can tell you're scared and I'm scared for you"

I was taken back by his reply and all I could do was throw my arms around him and hug him to me. 

"Don't be frightened for me. I'm not sure what this is but I'm gonna find out. Will you be ok for a little while?" I asked him as I began moving towards the door. 

"Sure" he said with a smile. 

I turned and opened the front door and there stood Itachi with his hand raised as if I caught him just as he was about to knock. 

"Come with me" was all I said as I dragged him to the Uchiha compound on the other side of town.


"Are you sure about this?" Itachi asked me as we stood outside his house. I nodded.

We went inside and he called out for his father as we made our way through the place I once called home. Itachi's father was seated at a desk doing paperwork of some sort. He looked up at his son's arrival.

"Ah Itachi. You're home already. How was the second test?" Fugaku asked his son warmly

"Father. We must speak with you. It's urgent" Itachi exclaimed

Fugaku frowned and asked "We?"

I walked to Itachi's side at that moment, my head lowered. Fugaku watched me curiously. He looked from Itachi to me and back to his son again. 

"What's this all about Itachi?" Fugaku demanded 

Itachi began to answer but I cut him off "This is about the rinnegan Fugaku-sama". 

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