Tales of an Uchiha. Chapter 11. The True Mark of a Shinobi.

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Three years had passed since I'd made the decision to join the ANBU ranks. I had kept my promise to Naruto

to keep him and Konoha safe and so far I had done just that, even though it meant performing some questionable acts

in the process. The things I'd seen had changed me and I was no longer a soft hearted little girl. 

Killing and torture was the name of my game and Genjutsu was my weapon of choice. 

I had quickly made a name for myself as the motionless killer and I was feared by many. The woman in the fox mask who

killed you without even lifting a finger. That was who I had become. A killer. 

In fact, that was who we had become. Emi and I. 

During my time at the hospital, after the kidnapping attempt, she had come to visit me a lot and I expressed to her 

my wishes to become an ANBU agent. In true Emi fashion, she refused to allow me to do it alone and 

insisted on joining too, believing it was her duty to keep me safe. 

Although, I tried to persuade her otherwise, she was adamant. And so we both sold our souls to the village

and we were branded together with the ANBU tattoo. Truth be told, I was glad she decided to go on this journey with me

but I would forever feel guilty for the things she missed out on as a result. Takeo for instance. They had been dating a long time now 

but they rarely had a chance to properly spend time together because we could be called away at any time without a moments notice.

But this was the life we chose and sacrifices were a part of that. One such sacrifice for myself being that I rarely had time to

spend with Naruto and he'd taken to causing mischief in the village to gain attention. One thing he especially loved doing

was putting graffiti on the walls of the entire village including the great stone faces of the former kages. He'd also begun getting into

fights with different kids who bullied him. The children of the village hated Naruto without knowing why,

just that their parents disliked and resented him so they followed suit. I was hoping that his joining the academy would

give him some discipline and possibly allow him to make some new friends but only time would tell. It broke my heart that

I wasn't around for him as much as I wanted to be but duty called and my duty was to keep him safe from the outside

in the best possible way I knew how.


"NARUTO!! Get up!! We're gonna be late for the ceremony" I yelled dragging him out of bed

He yawned, pulling the covers over his head and whined "Can't I just join the academy next year?" 

"If you don't get the hell out of this bed I'll trap you in a genjutsu of pure torture until next year" I added firmly

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