Tales of an Uchiha. Chapter 4. Naruto Uzumaki. My light in the Darkness.

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Kasumy is now a genin and is about eight and a half years old. She's been placed on a team with older members Takeo and Emi. Naruto is four now but still hasn't entered the academy yet. 


It had been six months since we graduated from the academy after only a year attending. It turned out Itachi and I both were something of a prodigy and we had shocked everyone at how quickly we had advanced. 

Itachi and I both were genin now and we each were placed on new teams. Mine consisted of Myself, Emi Uzumaki and Takeo Inuzuka along with his dog Daimaru. Itachi's team consisted of

Itachi, Savani Uzumaki and Taro Sarutobi. In the beginning we did these lousy D-rank missions like chasing cats and pulling weeds but lately we seemed to be stepping up to C-rank missions as our team was quite strong and 

the Hokage believed we deserved a chance to prove ourselves. Plus we had the awesome Seiji-Sensei to help us out.

"For the love of Kami Kasumy, Can't you even be bothered saving some butts for the rest of us to kick?"

I turned around with a grin, sheathed my sword and faced my team mate Emi as she stood with her hands on hips and a scolding look on her face.

I laughed.

"Sorry Emi, you snooze you lose" 

"Yeah Emi, maybe you should spend more time working on your speed, It's not Kasumy's fault you run like your grandma!" Takeo chided. 

"WHAT?!?!?! I do not!!! I could make you guys eat my dust anyday!!" Emi fumed. Takeo and I looked at each other and burst out laughing. 

"Come on Emi, you know we don't mean that. Don't be grumpy with us. Let's take care of things here and head back to the village" I suggested 

"Fine" Emi sighed with the hint of a smile. "But ramen is on you tonight"

"As much as I would love to treat you slow pokes to some ramen, I'm afraid I can't. I already told Naruto I'd take him to Ichiraku's instead"  I explained

"I dunno why you feel the need to spend so much time with the kid" said Takeo

"I don't know why anybody wouldn't!!!" I shot back 

Takeo flinched. They knew the subject of Naruto was a touchy one for me so usually they never said anything but I knew how they felt about me spending time with the village outcast.

But I didn't care how it made me look because Naruto brightened my days. 

"Maybe another time then" Emi said nudging Takeo.

"Sure" I replied. 

We headed back to the Hidden Leaf and gave our report to the Hokage then we each went our separate ways. On the walk back to my apartment I ran into Itachi who was coming home from a mission in the land of lightning.

I couldn't of run into him at a worse time. I was irritated by my spat with my team and not to mention I resembled someone who had been dragged through a hedge backwards on top of the fact that I probably

smelled like death. But he was looking at me and smiling in his usual warm way. 

"Kasumy" he waved as he jogged toward me.

"Oh hey Itachi" I responded half-heartedly

He slowed and look slightly taken aback by my response. I hated how vigilant he was.

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