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Alrighty guys, there's going to be one more chapter after this one, and then the story is going to come to an end TT^TT

*Dedicated to Rosy5427 for voting in the NarutoWattyAwards for me :) I forgot to dedicate it to you but I promise it was on my mind I just had to do other things! lol *

***Kabuto's POV (Pre-war)

I was walking up and down, looking at the graves and headstones of many shinobi killed in battle. I had already gone to the site where the fight had happened to see if I could salvage any blood, or any type of DNA I could use instead of digging her up. But as I checked, it seemed like nothing was there and no traces of her could be found.

 There was only one reason why I was at this particular site and that was to find the girl whom had made herself known as a user of a particular Kekkai Genkai; the Mud Release.

She was a rather young kunoichi when she died, only being around sixteen to seventeen. I heard that the eight tails had killed her in a powerful attack when on a mission with Team Taka for the time being. Other information I heard was that she, like her father, was a Jashinist; which would become useful in battle. I could only hope that they fought well together since I was going to revive him soon.

I finally came across a gravestone that only read the name, 'Rin'. I remembered the girl had no sur name so I was hoping that this was hers. I began to dig her up.

After a while of digging, I had gotten the body out of the coffin and picked her up. I reached into my cloak and grabbed a scroll and kunai. Holding the body by the neck I took the kunai and slid it into her stomach, pulling it out with her blood on it. I tossed the body to the ground  and loosened my fingers grip around the scroll. It fell open and I smeared the blood from the weapon onto it.

I sat down and laid the scroll out in front of me. My sacrifice I was using was on his knees with his hands and feet tied also in front of me, yet he was a few feet away. The blood on the scroll had ventured out and made a straight line going towards the sacrifice which then turned into a large seal that surrounded him.

His eyes widened and they darted around as they looked at what was about to happen to him. Then he screamed as dust and ashes rose up from beneath him. They covered his body completely. When it disappeared, there was a girl now in his place. She had black hair that went down to about her waist, and blue eyes that held no emotion.

"Are you Rin?" I asked.

"Why am I alive?" she ignored my question. "I'm suppose to be dead."

"Tell me your name and I will tell you why you are alive." I said.


"Yes what?"

"Yes my name is Rin. Now tell me why I'm alive." she stood up.

I smirked. "You're Rin, user of the Mud Style?"

"You told me you would tell me why I'm alive if I said my name. I have. Now keep your word." Rin demanded.

"Ah. You're correct. I said that." I sighed. "I have revived you with the use of Edo Tensei. You are now my pawn." I walked over to her and took another kunai with a seal attached to the ring and stuck it into the back of her neck. Now she was mine.

***Reki's POV (Now)

Naruto, Sakura and I went off while Sai and Yamato checked the area they needed to.

"This forest is so beautiful~" I smiled and looked around.

Sakura nodded, and smiled as well. "We should be getting close, up past these trees is baron land."

"Really? I wouldn't think that." I answered as we walked onto the clearing.

"Wow, this is just as pretty as the forest!" I ran over to the water and cupped my hands as I bent down to get water in my hands. I glanced over to see Naruto doing the same thing, and I giggled.

"This water is delicious!" He cheered.

Sakura chuckled along with me. "You're so weird." She put her hands behind her back as she looked out at the spring. "This place really is amazing. It's almost like it's taken all the energy around it and sucked it up. It's just exploding with life."

A new voice came from our right side. "You are absolutely correct about that. The water here is over flowing with it."

Naruto quickly stood up in a defensive stance in front of Sakura and I. "When the hell did you get here?" Sakura asked quickly, as she got in the same stance.

"It's been quite a while you two, hasn't it." the man turned his head slightly. A smirk graced his lips.

"Kabuto?!" Sakura's eyes widened as she watched him turn to face us completely.

Naruto immediately made a few clones and formed Rasengan in his hand as he charged at the man named Kabuto. When his jutsu came in contact with him there was a slight tremor and a large puff of smoke and debris.

When it all came down Kabuto was standing away from Naruto, smirking. "Still love getting into fights, don't you Naruto?" he mused.

"Why are you here?!" Sakura yelled out.

"Oh, you know, just conducting some research." he held out his hand over the water and a dark blob began to emerge from it. When it peaked out of the water it simply looked like a glob of...well water. Yet there was something inside moving inside of it.

The three of us looked at it in disgust. "What's... inside that?" I asked.

"I've created these little snakes from Lord Orochimaru's cells. They regenerate in no time. And thanks to my successful research I can implant the nucleus of these into hosts and create genetic data." Kabuto smirked at us and his hand glided away from what was in front of him and the little snakes began to slither away. "And since this water makes the cell division at quite a high rate, this is a perfect spot."

Now what was in front of him, was in the shape of a human. I looked at it curiously as he bent down with a kunai in hand. From the ring, a small seal was attached and he slid it into that... thing. Almost as soon as he did, it began to take shape as a human. The color of skin started to form...then hair...

"No..." Sakura started. "No that can't be... the Akatsuki's.."

"Yes. Hidan." Kabuto finished her sentence and the man known as Hidan looked up at us all with black and yellow eyes.

I looked up at Captain Yamato who was now perched up atop a tree branch that looked down at the five of us. "Well, I guess it isn't a coincidence that you're here is it? Were you the one who attacked this village?" he asked as Sai was walking towards Kabuto on water. "But since you're here, why don't you start telling us what happened?"

Kabuto laughed. "And do you really think that you can capture me?"

Yamato looked at him with an icy glare. "We won't let you get away."

Sai began to withdraw his small sword from its sheath.

"I wonder if you really can." He stood from where he was kneeling. "This isn't my only pawn that I have." Kabuto clapped his hands together. There was a small cracking sound in the earth and then brown boxes shot up from it. They all opened with a loud creaking sound.

My eyes widened when I saw one in particular. "Rin!!"


Okay guys! So there's probably only going to be one more chapter! But... I've just thought of another ending.. SO! How would you all like an alternate ending??? That's actually an important question, so if you would be so kind as to pleeeease answering it, that would be lovely~ ^_^ So tell me how you guys liked this chapter! Comment, vote, maybe even a fan?? The feedback it awesome and I love it so comments are appreciated! Okay, well I'm off! Love ya! Xx




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