Chapter 21

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HE LET THAT BITCH TOOK MY KID AWAY! I swing my fist on his face repeatedly until I feel satisfy. Those bitches need to be taught a lesson or two! How dare she take my kid away from me! I will enjoyed killing her sorry ass now. "I think that old man will die soon." Brian said beside me. "Get rid of him," I turned and walked towards the door followed by Brian. "Are you serious about wanting to kill the infamous Larove?" He asked me. "Yes. I am serious." He sighed. "Can't you just let it go?" I turned my head to meet his. "He humiliated me enough! I will end her faster before she could say help!" I smirked. "You will not have that smirk when she kills you." He started. I scoffed. "Excuse me?" "Man, she's not like other girls her age. She will do anything to protect Larissa." I laughed.

Her girl that I slept with! "Like you said, she's a girl that soon will be dead." I said grimly. Brian looks troubled. What is his problem?!"Man even Pablo afraid of her. What makes you have a chance to beat her? Her grandfather..." I shut him up. "Damien is an old bastard who soon will die and I will replace him with an iron fist." I finished. Brian slammed my back on the wall. "Man if you're going on with this, we all will leave yah. We don't want to be killed aimlessly." He said and walked away from me. What is wrong with these people? They just a silly old man and a little girl! I will proceed with the plan to kill Carmen Larove. "I WILL DO IT EVEN IF I HAVE TO DO IT ALONE!" I yelled my frustration. I walked towards the weapons room and traced my fingers on my toys.

Even the mightiest man can be defeated with a gun. And this is just a silly old man and a girl! That bitch will begged for her life to be taken away when I torture her pretty little face. Soon she will know what death feels like...



A man was drag to the Christ torture chamber. He was kidnapped. He knows his life might end now. Anyone who knows him will call him Brian. For Brian today will be a very painful experience. Everyone knows for a person to be taken into the chamber, will always end up in the most excruciating pain. The hood was pulled off Brian's head. He was tied to chair in an empty room. The only thing that could be seen was blood stained on the floors and walls. Brian trembles at the site. He knew he might die here. At the very least he was going to be in a lot of pain very soon. A sweet smell of expensive perfume flooded Brian's nostril. Some might love to smell that but for him it's the smell of death.

The door opened. Damien walked in followed by Carmen. Brian didn't know who he was more afraid of until Damien spoke. "Welcome to Damien Christ torture chamber." Damien smiled when he saw Brian's pants darken with urine. "Good. You should be scared. It turns out you are smarter than that idiot you work for." "I'm not a man who likes to waste time. So let's get this done shall we? I had you brought here as a message to Jake. I'm going to let Carmen give you that message." With that said Carmen walked over to Brian. "Please. I beg you. Don't kill me. I will tell you anything you want to know." Brian pleaded. Carmen acted like she didn't even hear him. She put on her gold plated brass knuckle and smirked.

She hit him as hard as she could. She was well taught and this was just a warm up for when she had Jake in this room. She made sure that no punch was wasted. Each inflicting the most pain without killing. It's for the sake of human anatomy. Carmen was good at human anatomy. One punch to the face and his jaw was broken. A little higher and his nose will also broke. A punch to the side took not just one rib but 2. The scream Brian made with each punch let Carmen know she was getting the job done well. Carmen finished the bearing with a kick to the leg dislocating his knee. Carmen stepped away and Brian hoped it was over. Unfortunately for him Carmen turned around and said "Now to try out my new knife..." The scream of agony filled the thick walls of the chamber. Carmen smiled when she see her handy work. "I'm going now. I'm going shopping with my girlfriend." Damien nodded and turned his head to look at his men.

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