Chapter 20

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It's Sunday morning and Carmen decided to come to my house early in the morning without even telling me she's coming first. Not even a call or any text. I sighed. Does this woman ever sleep? She's currently sitting with my parents, talking about stuff I don't care. I yawned and took a seat beside her. She smiled when she turned her head to looked at me. I smiled back. Suddenly, an unknown middle age woman came in and pours orange juice and filled my plate with waffles. Carmen can see my confusion and she cleared her throat. "Sweetheart, this is Gabby. She will be your maid from now on. She's also will be taking care of your mom while you in school." She explained and drinks her juice. "Also today you will have to follow me somewhere." I looked at her confused.

What is she planning now? "Don't worry, it's nowhere far." She smiled again. I nodded and eat my waffles. "Larissa, how's school?" Why dad suddenly care about school? "It's fine I guess." He nodded. Suddenly I can smell something so vile. I leaned in to Carmen. It came from her. I want to yell at her for it. "Did you smoke before coming here?" I asked her. She turned her head to me and looks as if she trying to find something to say. She knows me quite well by now if she tries to lie to me. "Maybe." That's all she said. "Carmen smoking is bad. Please stop." I pleaded. "I'll try sweetheart. Now get ready. We don't want to be late." She said and smiled. I nodded and walked towards my room to get ready.

This is all so amazing! I didn't even know Carmen knew when my birthday was. She took me to pick out the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. Not to mention I can't afford it. I told her it was too much but she said nothing was too much for her girlfriend. I love to hear her call me her girlfriend. It still feels like a dream. We got into the car and started driving again. We pulled up in front of a country club. I figured this is where lunch would take place. We walked up to 2 closed doors. When we walked in everyone yelled surprise! It was such a surprised, I just stood there. I couldn't believe this was for me. "Happy Birthday Sweetheart." Carmen said as she hugged me. "You did all of this for me?" I said back. "Of course I did. You deserve all this and more. Now come say hello to everyone. "We talked to everyone for a while. It was incredible. Friends and family were invited. It was amazing! Just as I was thinking it couldn't get any better than this, Carmen took me by the hand and said "Time for gifts." "But I have gotten so much already Carmen."

"You haven't seen the best part yet babe" she replied. She took out a blindfold and I looked at her in a questioning manner. "Trust me Larissa. It will be worth it." Carmen put the blindfold on me then took me by the hand and carefully led me. After a few minutes she took off the blindfold and said "turn around." I turned and what I saw made me fall to the floor in tears of joy. I couldn't believe who I saw. My Hope! My little girl was there. She yelled "MOMMY!!!!" And she ran into my arms. She started to place little kissed on my cheek as we embraced. When I finally could speak I said "Mommy missed you SO much Hope! I love you so much!" "I miss mommy!"

Little Hope said into my ear. We pulled back just enough for me to look at her but still keep her in my arms. She is even more beautiful than I ever could have imagined. Hope smiled at me and put her tiny little hand to my cheek. "No more crying mommy. We play." I looked at Carmen who was now kneeling down beside us. I just looked at her and said "How?" She smiled at me "I have my ways." "How long can she stay?" I asked. I hate to think the thought of having to let her go again. "Never. She is all yours. We can talk about all of that later." Carmen helped us up and I carried Hope over to my family. That's when I realized everyone else had been crying too. Hope got to meet her grandma and Grandpa and her Aunts. We talked and laughed. After a while the cake was brought out and everyone sang happy birthday. Cake was set in front of me and Hope, who was still sitting on my lap. "This for Hope?" Hope asked in the most adorable voice I had ever heard. "Yes that's for Hope." I responded as I kissed the top of her head.

Most of the people were gone and the party came to an end. Instead of leading us to the car, Carmen led us out to the beach. The three of us walked along the beach hand in hand and watch the sun set. Hope turned to me "Mommy up please.." she requested with her arms up in the air waiting for me to pick her up. She wrapped her arms around me and laid her head on my shoulder. I put my arms around her and thought I am never letting her go again. Carmen's arm made its way around my waist. We sat on the warm sand and watched the sunset. This is the most perfect moment. With a sleeping Hope in my arms and me in Carmen's arms, I am completely happy. It's been so long since I was perfectly happy. In this moment there is nothing else I need, just me and my Girls.



I woke up beside Hope and Larissa. I must admit, this little girl, will be the death of me. She's too adorable. Just like her mother. I gently get off the bed, carefully not to wake them both. After the party, we went to the beach. We decided to go back to my place. As I walked out of my room, the twins startled me. "How does it feel to be a parent?" Christina asked me. "Ignore her Carmen. I think it's nice of you to settle down and have a kid in the process." I smiled at Catherine. All three of us walked downstairs. We can hear loud music playing. Why is that music sound so.... Familiar? "Wait, she's back?!" Catherine suddenly beamed. I peeked in the living room and saw a woman, in her see through lingerie, dancing with the tune. Oh yes, she's back. The twins ran past me and give that woman a very big hug. "WE BOTH MISS YOU!!!!" They both screamed. The woman returns the hug. "I miss you too but, please let go, I am suffocating." She manages to say after being crushed by the twins. "When did you arrived?" Catherine asked her. "Yesterday. The house was empty. And I was too tired to wait up." She said. "How's Paris fashion week." "It's fine. I met tons of people." She smiled at the twins.

She gasped when she saw me. "Carmen? You're back!" She beamed. I smiled at her. She open both of arms, signaling me to hug me. I slowly walked towards her and hug her. "Oh Carmen, I miss you. All of you." She said. "What is this? Don't you want to give your daddy a hug?" Dad startled us all. Behind him there's mom and Larissa with Hope in her arms. Camellia giggles and hugs dad and mom. I walked towards Larissa and put my arms around her waist. Camellia turned and smiled. "Larissa, this is Camellia, my adopted sister," I introduced her. Larissa extended her hand and shake hands with Camellia. "Camellia, this is Larissa and Hope, my girlfriend and future kid." Her eyes widen. "Hope is my daughter," Larissa explained. I smiled. Camellia looked at Larissa. "Do you want to be a model?" The question caught Larissa off guard. I laughed. "Sweetheart, camellia here is a world famous model. She tends to asked that question to anyone pretty." Larissa blushed.

"Anyway, there's something on the table. A guy sends it just now. And it's for Carmen." I nodded and walked towards the medium size box. I opened the box and instantly something disgusting and vile flooded my nostril. I look inside and instantly, a dead cat can be seen inside the box. Seriously this threats getting boring. "What is it Carmen...OH MY GOD!" Larissa gags. This must be her first time. "Catherine," I signal Catherine to drag Larissa out of the scene. "This is getting out of hand Carmen. We need to stop him." Christina said beside me. "This is nothing." I said to her. It's true. I've been threatened worse than this. "He's a rookie. He's nothing." I added.

"But still, you need some safety measure to care for. Your love ones is in danger here Carmen." Christina tries reasoning with me. I looked at Camellia and my parents. Thy all nodded.

"Alright. I'll handle this my way." I turned to my dad. "I need 4 bodyguards for Larissa." Dad smiled. "Consider it done dear." I nodded. It's time to meet my old friend. I pulled out my phone and called Xavier. He agreed to meet up. I need to make sure my Larissa and Hope are in safe environment. Oh Jake you will not expect what is coming for you.

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