Jordyn’s POV
I looked around and there still hasn’t been a sign of my dad. “DANIEL!!” I called out. “UP STAIRS!!” he shouted back. I took a breath of relief and sat my bag down. I walked up the stairs and to Daniel’s room to see him laid out on the bed with papers in his hands. “How was ya first day?” he asked as I walked in and sat on the bed. “it was cool but I saw…Jacob.” I said lowly. He dropped his paper and looked at me. “You saw who?” he asked. “…Jacob.” I said softly. “Did he touch you?” he asked firmly. “No but he tried to accuse me of being the reason y’all aren’t cool anymore.” I said rolling my eyes. Daniel chuckled and shook his head. “That’s a crazy messed up kid.” He said. “Tell me about it.” I said and started smiling. I don’t know why. “What are you so smiley for?” he said and smirked at me. “This wouldn’t be because of that boy that dropped you off just now?” he said. I gasped. “DANIEL!! Were you spying on me?” I asked. He laughed. “No I was just looking out the window.” He said. I playfully hit his arm and he laughed. I picked up one of his papers. “So what’s all this?” I asked. “Oh yea. I’m applying for NYU next year.” He said confidently. I smiled at him. “That’s great. Mom would be so proud of you for this.” I said. he smiled at me and hugged me. I hugged him back and we just sat there embracing each other. “You miss her a lot don’t you?” he asked. I looked up at him and nodded. He smiled. “Well you look just like her.” He said and kissed my forehead. I smiled. “Thank you D.” I whispered. He smiled. “So I heard about a freshman party tonight.” He said and smirked at me. “You’re going.” He said. “says who and how did you hear about it?” I said and giggled. “My friend Chris said his little sister Melissa was having it. He also said that she told him about how amazing you danced this morning.” He said smirking at me. I blushed. “Shut up D.” he laughed. “But seriously you have to go.” He said to me. “I know and I am.” I said confidently and got up and walked to the door. “But what’s holding you back J? You only act all confident when you’re scared about something.” He said. I sighed cause he read me like a book. “To be honest D…I am scared. What if dad comes back? What if I get to the party and something goes wrong?” I said and sighed. He got up and walked over to me. “You worry too much. You just need to go have fun.” He said and pushed me to my room. “I know you want to go see your new boo anyway.” He said when we got in my room. I gasped. “Chresanto is not my boo!!!” I said smacked his arm. He laughed. “Oh so that’s his name. Hmmm.” He said and smirked. “Oh my gosh!! Get out D.” I said and laughed pushing him out of my room. He laughed. I sat on the bed just as my phone beeped. I pulled it out and saw a new number. It was a text that said: hey girl! It’s Melissa. My address is 143 Roseberry Dr. See you at the party chica!! I giggled and responded to her before getting up and going to get some cereal. When I fixed it I went and sat in the living and watched two episodes of Celebrity Ghost Stories. Then I got up and decided to get ready for the party. It starts 9 and it’s a quarter past 8. I got in the shower and washed everything, including my hair. When I got out I went and dried off and put on my outfit. (Outfit: ) When I was completely done getting ready it was about 10 minutes till 9. I grabbed my phone and slid it in my back pocket and then walked across the hall to Daniel’s room. “D I’m ready. Can you take me?” I said. he looked up at me and his eyes got big. “Damn J who you tryna look good for?” he said and smirked. I laughed. “Shut up and come on.” I said. he laughed too and I told him the address and we got in the car.
Chresanto’s POV
It was about a half an hour into the party and Jordyn wasn’t here yet. Prod, Ray, Prince, and I were standing against the wall chilling and they were watching their girls dance. “Bro, why don’t you go get one of these honey’s and dance?” Prod said. “Cause he waiting on his boo Jordyn.” Ray teased. They all laughed. “Shut up.” I said and drunk my punch. The girls came over and started talking and then we heard the faint doorbell ring. “Aye Roc go get that.” Melissa said as her and Prod started swapin spit. I chuckled and went to the door. When I opened it Jordyn was standing there looking good as ever fixing her shirt a little. I couldn’t even get my words out. “Damn…” I mumbled. She looked up and smiled. “Hey Chres.” She said and stepped into the house. “Hey.” I said softly. She looked around and nodded her head to the music. “The crew is over here.” I said leading her to where everyone was. “HEYY!!!” they all shouted to her. She laughed. “Hey y’all.” She said. I laughed. “I’m glad you came girl.” Melissa said hugging her. “Me too.” Jayla said hugging her too. Valery hugged her too. “But we’re not the only ones that’s glad you came.” She said and smirked at me. Jordyn turned and looked at me and I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. The guys bear hugged her. “I’m suffocating here.” She squealed out. The guys laughed as she smiled at them. Then the song Beat It by Chris Brown, Sean Kingston, and Wiz Khalifa came on. “Aye this is my song!” Jayla shouted and grabbed Ray’s hand running to the crowd of people to dance. Everyone exchanged looks and went to the floor, including Jordyn and I. We all danced a little but while Jordyn was dancing she accidentally backed into me and jumped. She turned to me and blushed. I smiled and turned her back around grabbing her hands and we started dancing. Then Kendrick Lamar’s Backseat Freestyle came on and we continued to dance. The more we danced the closer her we got. We danced and joked around while We Up by 50 Cent and Kendrick came on. I grabbed her waist to pull her closer to me and we danced like that for a while and I could feel her grinding against me. I liked it so I pulled her closer to where not even a sheet of paper could fit between us. When we got tired I grabbed her hand and we walked over to the drink table. We both grabbed some punch and went and stood over by the wall. “So you having fun?” I asked and took a sip of my punch. “Yea. It’s pretty cool here.” She said looking around at all the people dancing and talking. “Are you?” she asked and looked at me with a smirk on her face. I chuckled. “Actually I am. Especially with you.” I said and stepped closer to her. She blushed and looked up at me. I smiled and then a slow song came on. She smiled really big. “I love this song. It’s called Mirrors by Jhene Aiko.” She said and closed her eyes humming. I grabbed her hand and slowly pulled her to the floor. She stared into my eyes the whole time but then she turned around and pressed her body into mine. I placed my hands on her waist as she swayed to the song. As the song progressed I planted a soft kiss on her neck. She turned around and blushed while placing her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around her waist and we swayed with the music. When the song went off we still stood there staring into each other’s eyes. Then she blushed and looked down. I chuckled and took her hand again. We walked over to the kitchen and sat in there talking for about an hour. I looked over at the stove and realized that it was now midnight and the party was over. Melissa came into the kitchen. “Aight y’all. I love you and all but y’all gots to go.” She said and hugged me and Jordyn. We laughed and walked outside of the house. I stood there while she called her brother. “Dammit. He didn’t answer.” She said. “I can take you home.” I said and smiled. She looked at me and smiled back. We walked to my car and got in. “So…” I said and smirked at her. She giggled. “What?” she said smiling. “did you like dancing with me?” I asked. She blushed. “Yea. I did.” She said. I smiled proudly. “Good.” I said. “Did you like dancing with me?” she asked nervously. “hell yea.” I said. she laughed at me. I chuckled. “Good.” She said mocking me. I smiled at her and she smiled back. We pulled up at her house and there was a big black truck there. “Hey who’s truck is that?” I asked and pointed to the truck. She looked up from her phone and gasped. “Oh no.” she mumbled. She quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and jumped out of the car. I got out and ran after her confused. “Jordyn wait!” I said stopping her at the door. “Listen Chres you need to go. I had fun tonight. I really did, but you need to leave now.” She said nervously looking from me to the door repeatedly. I nodded and kissed her cheek. I walked to my car and as I reached for the door I heard her door open. “Jordyn where the hell have you been!?!?” a big dude yelled in her face. “Umm…dad I just went to a friends house.” She said. I could hear the fear in her voice. Then the guy grabbed her arm and yanked her into the house slamming the door. I watched the door slam followed by a loud scream. I wanted to go back and see what was happening but my phone rang snapping me out of thought. I picked it up and got in the car. “Hello?” “Chres honey.” It was my mom. “Hey ma. I’m coming home now. I just had to drop off a friend.” I said staring at the house.
Sorry it was Short but i wanted to keep you reading. But Will Chres find out about Jordyn's dad? Will he save her? Comment & Vote
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