the fair

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* Kellys pov *next morning *

I woke up the next morning and looked from the corner of my eye to see Jake sleeping. Its kinda weird how people look innocent when they sleep. His arms around my waist with my bare back aginst his bare chest , then all the memories from last night came flooding back .

I'm now fully mated. this brought a huge smile to my face .

Then I decided to have a little fun . I slowly got up so I wouldnt wake him .

I quickly straddled him and kissed him softly . He imedeatly reacted and put his hands on my waist. Ipulled away and ran out of our room .(a/n: if your confused they went back to the house after and into the kitchen while Jake was yelling my name .

I quickly got the stuff out to make pancakes . He ran in as I was getting the eggs up .

As he walked in he look at mr with something in his eyes ....lust?

Then it hit me, were both naked .

I ran out of the kitchen noticing his wolf starting to take over and ran into the bathroom and put a shirt on that he left in there .

He was bangging on the door.

"Kelly open the door!" he screamed

"okay." I opended the door and now he was wearing black and red basketball short shirt which made me blush.

"ZAAYYUUMM! you look hot in my clothes ." he said with a wink witch only caused me to blush more. .

"So what do you want to do today?" he asked

"Lets watch movies." I screeched


"Horror movives!" he yelled with a huge smile.

"No I dont like horror movies ." I said with a pout

"DONT WORRY FAIR MADIN , ILL PROTECT YOU!" he said while standing on the bed and puffing his chest out and his hands in fists on his waist . kinda like superman.


he gave me the puppy dog face. awww. no! dont fall for it!

*3 minutes later*

jake is still giving mr the puppy dog face but nothing has been said .

"Ughh! fFne you win ." I finally gave in .

"Yay!" he was acting like a little kid on christmas day

* 1 1/2 hour later *

I was sitting on his lap with my face burries in his chest while he was playing with my hair twirling it around his finger.

"Is it over yet ?"

"Almost. Wow. You wernt kidding when you said you didnt like horror movives" he said with a light chuckle .

I shook my head quickly.

"Okay, you wanna go to the fair down town ?'he asked

"yes!" I said and quickly ran upstairs and changed into red skinny jeans a black shirt that says 'hipsta plz' in white writting and so black uggs.

"Ready?" he asked as I came down the stairs. might I say he looked mighty fine.

He was wearing kakis and a black t-shirt with a blue dress shirt over with the sleevs rolled up to his elbows and unbuttned and a pair of black vans. he looked like he ran his hands through his hair a couple times.

"Huh?" I dont normally have a loss of words but, what can I say he looked hot.

"C'mon" he said while laughing softly .

*20 minutes later*

We finally made it to the fair and made our way to the ticket booth.

And after arguing a little he won he ended up paying for my ticket and walked over to get our wrist bands.

"come on." he said with a hugh smile on his face as he dragged me to hoops(hoops is a game where if you make 3 baskets in a row you win a prize)

He handed the guy a $5 bill and the guy handed him the basketballs




"What prize would you like?" the guy said in a bored tone .

"The giant minion form dispicable me please."

"Here." the guy dais handing it to Jake

He turned arounded and handed it to me. Aww how cliche.

"ITS SO FLUFFY!" He just laughed at what I said .

After 3 hours of walking around, eating cotton candy, and playing games we decided to head home. he went to grab the minion for me as we were about to get in the car

"DONT TOUCH DAVE!" i screamed at him

"okay, okay sorry" he said while laughing .

"lets go." I said yawing. By the time we got back I was asleep.

*Jake's pov*

I pulled into the drive way and looked over at Kelly seeing she was asleep. I turned the car of and quickly went to the passenger side and opended the door. I carefully picked her up bridel style and walked into the house. I walked up the stairs with her cuddling into my chest .

when I got to our room I carefully placed her on the bed and went to change. after I changed I grabbed a big t-shirt for her to wear . I respected her privacy while I changed her so I decides to look at her face while I did.

*Kelly's pov*next morning*

I woke up the next morning with Jake's arm around me .again.

but I don't remember changing last night. oh well. after a few minutes I fell back asleep.


"curse the inventor of alarm clocks!"I yelled and just then Jake walked out of the bathroom with his toothbrush in his mouth .

he was wearing khaki shorts a black v neck shirt that showed his abs and black vans. His hair was spiked up in the front. he stood there for a moment and went back into the bathroom. 2 minutes later he came out again and came over to kiss me when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it."I said

"Hurry up." he said with a smile

I quickly ran to the door and opended it.

A guy stood there , he looked about 18, had jet black hair and icy blue eyes. he had abs and you could tell he was from a strong family. Beta maybe. Oh and he was werewolf .

"Can I help you?" I asked politely

"Ya I'm Jackson " he said smiling widely .

"Hi?I'm Kelly." okay this is weird

"Oh , I know who you are." he said with an evil smile .CREEP!

"Okay well bye ." I said and started crossing the door when his foot stopped me .

"Yes?" I ask getting really creeped out now. like seriously who does this !?!

"Your coming with me." he said.

"No I'm not !" I said raising my voice a little bit.

I was about to run when he grabbed my waist, and then it hit me, Jake was upstairs .

"JAKE!" I screamed at the top of my lungs

just then Jake came running down the stairs .

black dots started to blur my vision and next throng I know everything went black.

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