im what?

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*jakes pov*

'whats taking her so long?' i ask myself


I quickly ran down the stairs to see what was going on.

and what i saw did not make me happy. A strange man with his hands on kellys waist pulling her to his chest. I saw all red. Kelly passed out and I was about to go to her when I was thrown aginst the wall . i quickly threw a punch and hit him square in ther jaw , i even heard it crack.he attemped to hit my face multiple times . notice how i said attemped . then I punchced him in the nose causing him to stumble backwards and then in kneed him in his family jewls. hard. ill be surprised if he can still have kids.I pinned him to the wall and started throwing more punches.

"get out and never come back!" i yelled to him in my alpha tone and he quickly ran out the door. whimp. i ran to kelly.

"kelly" i whispered and shook her a little

no response.

"kelly" I said a little bit louder

her eyes fluttered open

"ya?"she asked groogly

"are you ok?"i asked

"im fine."

"you sure?"

"positive."she said with a smile and i carried her up to bed

*kellys pov*1 week later*

its been a whole week since that jackson dude incident.

right now its saturday at 9:30 a.m.

i felt my stomach turning and jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom.Jake was right behind me like hes been for the past 4 days.

"you should go to the doctor babe."he told me

"I have an appointment today at noon ."i said when i was done

"can I come?" he asked with a smile

"no."then he gave me the puppy dog face


"ugh fine!"i said giving in


"your turning me innto a softie you know?"he said


*at the doctors*

"miss summers" the doctor called

we walked in a room and she had me sit on a bed . her name tag said dr.Rowen

"so what seems to be the problem?"

"ive been throughing up , had bad head aches and been really tired."

"ok-ok. i would like to run some tests real quick."

"sure." i say with a smile

*10 minutes later*

"ok you can go in the waiting room.ill be out shortlt with the results."Dr. Rowen said

"what did she say?" jake asked

"she'll be out soon with the results"i said with a small smile

*5 minutes later*

"kelly"dr Rowen called i quickly stood up and walked into the room we were in earlier .

'well we found out whats wrong with you."

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