1.2 | Both of us

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It was Thursday and the weekend was creeping in slowly. I think I'm finally over my darn cold. After Niall took very good care of me until Anne came and took over for him. Niall was so gentle and soft, it's like he was afraid he was gonna break me.
I loved the way he touched me, the way his hands glided along my body it sent a thrilling feeling in my veins.
Liam obviously did a horrible rubbish job of taking care of me. But I think he would of did better if Niall wasn't there. I really didn't need both of them, and if it would come down between the two of them it would definitely be Niall. He's just more gentle and caring than Liam in general.
My mom wasn't too happy to see them both here, but I knew it warmed her heart that Niall was here taking care of me in the first place. I think Niall was her favourite now, even above Leslie. Now that's filling a big gap, she just always talks about how she likes Niall and how it's good for me to become friends with him. She says that I'm much happier with him around all the time. Not that he wasn't around all the time before; he was. What she means is around me. Little did she know that I had the biggest crush on him for the longest time. I didn't even know Niall's sexuality. He's never had a girlfriend, he's never had a boyfriend. He's just a human being living his life, like me. Maybe he's bi? Like me.
There's nothing wrong with liking both genders. It keeps your options open that's for sure. I would just honestly prefer a boy than a girl. That's just me. Niall could be straight, like I've been reminding myself this whole tutoring thing. I can't get my hopes up, I'll just end up hurting myself again.
There was knock on my door and Niall's head popped in as a smile spread across his face.
"Hey Niall, you ready?" I ask. He frowns and step inside my room fully.
"No," he sighs. He really doesn't like studying or doing any kind of work.
"C'mon it's not that bad," I pat a seat beside me on my bed as he comes over and seats himself down.
"There just boring and no fun," he frowns.
"Well we only got a couple left before we start the novel study. Besides the other day you got none of these done when your were suppose to be taking care of me," he smirks.
"Yeah I kinda got outta that," he smirks proudly.
"Yeah, so we have lots planned tonight." I joke. He sighs.
"How about we do half and half. I do half, you do half." I bit my lip. I hand him the sheet as he skims over it.
"You already know all of this, my grammar is horrible." He frowns.
"C'mon do it for the both of us?" I try to cheer him up. It made me sad seeing him like this. He was really sad that he had to do this.
"Both of us?" He chuckles.
"Yeah," that really didn't make sense.
"C'mon Harry, why don't we just hang out?" He tried to smooth talk. Wasn't working.
"Don't even try to pull that," I was dead set on getting him to pass this course. If it meant helping Niall succeed than yeah.
"I'm not trying to pull anything," he smirks. I roll my eyes.
"Okay there Mr.smooth talk," I say sarcastically.
"Oh Mr.Smooth talk eh?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Yeah," I bite my lip as he looks at me and shakes his head with a smile spread across his face.
"Your funny Harold,"
"Who says you can call me Harold?" I raised an eyebrow at the Irish boy in front of me.
"I did." He hold his ground sitting up straight.
"Who say's that's even my name?" I cross my arms.
"I did." His face broke into a smile. I chuckled at his goofiness. I don't know what this boy did to me, but he was sure something.
Jesus, I'm getting my hair ombré and I'm so excited xD

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