2.1 | you goof

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The smile couldn't be swept off my face, I think Liam could tell because he kept looking over at me trying to figure me out.
"What's going on with you lately? All smiling and stuff," Liam asked.
"I don't really know," I shrugged. "Can't I just be happy?" Was it really a crime?
"Just wondering," Liam doesn't say anything after that and it fell into an awkward silence. Harry didn't want to to tell Liam or anyone right now other than Leslie and Louis which I didn't really care honestly.
When we pulled into the school's parking lot, Louis stood with Leslie on his side as they smiled at each other. Then next to them was the beautiful green eyed boy that I adored. He stood there awkwardly as he waited for Liam and I. I wish I could hold Harry like Louis can hold Leslie in public. It was kinda sad.
I got out of Liam's car and Harry's face brightened as I got out. I make my way over towards him as I keep my hands in my front pockets.
"Hey Harry," I said smoothly. I notice Liam observing our conversation closely behind Harry as he tried to make it look like he was talking to Louis.
"Hey Ni, you get your work sheets down?" He smirked. Nice coverage.
"I did," I nodded.
"That's great," this was a conversation killer.
"So, why don't we go inside?" Liam interrupts. Liam so knew something was going on, he just didn't know what was going on. He had no clue on my sexuality but according to Harry Liam knew clearly that Harry was bisexual. Which Louis and I had no clue until Saturday night when I kissed him on Janice's back deck. It made me smile at the memories, when we had our first sleep over our first night ever finding out about each other.
I walked side by side with Harry inside the school as we head straight to English class.
"Mr.Horan, Mr.Styles, may I speak to you in hall?" Mr.Lockwood asks. Harry and I weren't even sitting down yet. Harry and I both nodded as we both follow Mr.Lockwood out of the classroom.
"So fellas, how's the studying going?" He asks as he folds his arms. "There's no problems?"
Where was this coming from?
"No sir, why?" Harry asked.
"Just wondering, a little birdy told me you both had some disagreements?" He questions.
"Not at all, Harry is probably the best tutor I can ask for." I stood up for Harry and I can see him look at me with his big eyes studying my face.
"Okay, that's great," Mr.Lockwood nods. "But the concern wasn't with Harry Niall, it was with you?"
This time is was Harry's turn, "Mr.Lockwood Niall has done all the sheets you gave me, he even read a book. He also started reading King Lear the past weekend to get a head start on it, there is no problem here. I think whoever is trying to cause problems, is the one with the problem."
That was so well said, Mr.Lockwood nods not really saying anything.
"Okay boys, I'm sorry for the miscommunication," Mr.Lockwood opens the door and let's us through to take our seats. I was pissed off and I can tell Harry was too. The only one I can think of doing something like this was Liam? Liam wouldn't do something like that would he?
Maybe he was jealous that I was becoming good friends with his brother? That would be quite childish honestly. It angered me to think Liam would do such a thing. Liam looked back and raised an eyebrow curious to why Harry and I were out in the hallway. Like he didn't know.
It was after school, as Harry and I laid in my bed. We should really be doing homework from not having any study sessions all week. I missed him so much those two little days we stayed away from each other.
I missed letting my hands get tangled in his hair, I miss the way he smelt. He smelt fucking amazing and I couldn't help my nose from taking long sniffs of him every now and then, I'm sure he noticed, he had to by now, I was pretty obvious at times. I chuckled at my own thoughts, dear lord I need help.
"What's so funny?" Harry smirks.
"Oh nothing," I chuckled.
"Tell me," he frowns. He had a big lip and puppy dog eyes, I really couldn't help it. He looked so darn adorable.
"Okay, fine," I break. It really didn't take long for him to break through to me, it's like he's has some power over me.
"Well?" He asked. "Are you gonna tell me?"
"Oh yeah.." I trail. "I got distracted."
"By what?" He asked. Like he didn't know? Was it not obvious.
"By you silly," I lick my lips as a smile breaks on Harry's face.
"You were?" I nodded. "Awh Niall," he gushed. "Now tell me!"
Okay there mister pushy. "I was thinking about how weird I am by always smelling you," I blushed. I tucked my head into my pillow. This was so embarrassing, he wasn't even my boyfriend yet. Yes yet. Yet he already felt like one to me.
"Awh babe, nothing to be shy about. I actually find it quite adorable." I take peak at him with my eye as he's smiling all goofy at me.
"Really?" I had a hard time believing him. He nods, as he comes closer towards me and places his lips on mine. It felt like time stopped and we had all the time in the world together. This feeling I got when I was with Harry, I knew it wasn't going away anytime soon.
I honestly like writing in Harry's POV, but here's a introduction to Niall's side of the relationship and what he thinks about Liam and stuff.. Drama is coming!!!!:) I'm so excited, this is like the only fanfic that I've written that I'm totally interested in and keeping working on..
I've got atleast 20 works, and all of them have like 10-15 charts. Or less. I just loose motivation.. So yeah, peace ✌️

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