Chapter 3

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He felt what I was feeling? How is that even possible? It's probably because we are mates. Why was I being so stupid? I should have told him but after my nightmare, I couldn't get the courage to talk about it. This dream was different than the others, I'm usually running in a panic to get home and call for some help from a neighboring pack and all I did was run and run. This time, I was being chased by someone who was calling my name, the voice sounded eerily like Hayden's beautiful voice and I couldn't help but look back. When I did look back, I saw the man who was responsible for killing my pack. He has a big scar across his face and a few teeth were missing and his smile...that creepy smile that I will never forget. The next words out of his mouth were what made me scream.

"You better get back or your sister dies," he said and I began screaming profanities at him but he just laughed. "Two Thursdays from now, you will come back for her but be prepared for what you will see. Your sister is in good hands unless you don't show up." He walked closer to me until he was in my face and rubbed his hand along my cheek and it was like I was talking with him in person. "You both are so soft. I like you more though, she doesn't put up a fight like I know you do. My men are getting very bored of her. So, if you come at noon in two Thursdays from now, your sister will be let go."

"She won't be harmed anymore?" I asked.

"Of course not. She will be set free. Understand?" he said and I nodded. "Be in the clearing we fought in at noon sharp. If you are a second late, harm will come to her." He stepped away and that's when I heard Hayden talking to me and felt his arms around me.

Why did I make him leave? I don't think I would admit this to anyone but I loved being in his arms. When he held me, the nightmare went away and since he isn't here, I know they would be back. Was Marcos, the guy who killed my family, really serious? I mean, it was just a nightmare, right? It just seemed so real. I've heard of werewolves being able to do special things but have never witnessed it. Could he really have made himself show up in my dreams? Well, looks like I will be taking a trip back to the clearing. I couldn't risk my sister dying, if she already wasn't. Then, my thoughts went back to something he said, " men are getting very bored of her..." What the heck did he mean by that? Were they raping her? I need to get back there but I couldn't do it alone. I know that if I go back there, they will probably try to attack me. It's Friday night, so I had less than two weeks to get people together to see if they will go with me.

I really needed to run, I felt too anxious just sitting here. After I changed into a t-shirt and shorts, I left my apartment. I started out running slow but once I started thinking, I began to pick up the pace. I was just running and had no idea where I was going but knew I would be able to find my way back with the help of my werewolf senses. When we try, our senses are heightened. I slowed my running a bit because I was on public roads and knew that if I was to be running past a human, they would be shocked. Werewolves are very fast, some are faster than others. A lot of the times, children of an Alpha are faster and stronger than those that aren't, it's fun to be better than others but it always makes me feel bad when I beat someone over and over. I hadn't ran in a few days so my legs weren't as stretched out and I needed to stretch so I stopped but only then did I notice that I can smell my mate.

"Blayz?" Hayden asked, walking down the steps of the porch towards me.

"You live here?" I asked, pointing to the gorgeous two-story, gigantic house.

"Yeah, me, my mom, my dad and my little sister do. The pack comes over some times, though."

"It's gorgeous."

"Don't let my mom hear you say that. She will talk non-stop about how much work she put into making it look like this." I laughed a little and he smiled warmly at me.

The new werewolf in town (Book 1 of the Werewolf Love series)Where stories live. Discover now