Ben meets Ichigo

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Last time on Bleach 10

Ben was kidnapped by a creepy hollow. Ben turned into Heatblast to try to burn the hollow in the face to let him go. Which it did but the hollow fired a huge Cero at ben causing him to fly in the sky with lots of wounds.

He was knocked out from that blast. He woke up to see Nel drooling on his face which was healing him.

He then meet her brothers and their pet. THey later introduce themselves and Nel said that the only one she know that can help Ben is Ichigo.

THey were able to get to the world of the living, but they were falling from the sky. But hey we're saved by Kisuke when he was riding a flying carpet, Literary.

HE then gave them a lift to Ichigo's house in style. Now how will ben make Ichigo help him to stop the hollows and what training does Kisuke have in his mind?

Lets find out!


We see our heros being dropped near ichigo's house. Kisuke then used his flying rug to go back to his shop.  Bawabawa then stayed outside because he is too big to fit through the door.

Ben nock on the door. "Hello anyone home?!" asked Ben. THen the door open to reveal a teenager with orange hair, it is Ichigo

 THen the door open to reveal a teenager with orange hair, it is Ichigo

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 "Nel? What are you doing here? And who are you?" asked Ichigo. "Ichigo! Nel Missed you!" said nel as she jumped on Ichigo and hug him tightly.

"Nel get off me!" Said Ichigo. "Nel is happy to see you Ichigo! Nel Missed you!" she said. Ichigo sighed that Nel is not letting go.

"Follow me kid, let's go talk in my room." He said as Ben, Pesche and Dondochakka followed Ichigo to his room.

 When Ben got there, he saw a lion stuff animal was trying to attack Ichigo but Ichigo dodged him and the stuff animal landed on Ben face.

 When Ben got there, he saw a lion stuff animal was trying to attack Ichigo but Ichigo dodged him and the stuff animal landed on Ben face

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The lion stuff animal is Kon. "Ichigo whos the new kid?" asked Kon as he jsut talk. Ben took him off his face and poke him in the eye.

"ow" Said Kon

Ben the poke his eyes again..


... and again..


..and again

"OW! Stop that!" Said Kon.

Ben then throw him away and a Kon was step on by a girl on the face. She has black hair and she came out of the closet, it was Rukia.

"It too early in the morning to make so much noise! Oh Nel, what are you doing here?" asked Rukia

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"It too early in the morning to make so much noise! Oh Nel, what are you doing here?" asked Rukia. Rukia then step off Kon. 

"Hey soul lady. Nel came to ask ichigo for Ben help." said nel as she was sitting on Ben head now. Kon then went on top of Ichigo's bed to listen what they are doing here.

"You better start talking kid. How did you meet nel and her brothers?" asked Ichigo. 

"We can help you there." said Pesche


"Come on Nel (pants) can you slow down a  little?" asked Pesche. 

We see Nel and her brothers and their pet playing a game called "Endless tag"

"Nope. Catch nel if you can." Said Nel as she continues to run faster. THen they all stop when a huge green bright light came from there left far away.

THey then notice a huge red explosion. THen a huge red bright light came from the sky. THey also saw a figure falling to them.

As soon it got closer it was Ben when he was knock out. Nel and her brothers ran as fast as they can to try to catch him before he crashes.

They did caught him and placed him down.

End flashback.......

"And that's is how Nel found Ben." said Nel.

"What was this Green light?" asked Kon. "That green light was me. THe green light came from this watch. Its called the Omnitrix, it allows me to turned into any aliens I want to become to use there powers to help others." said Ben.

THat is when Ichigo laughed hard. "Aliens, that is so rich." said Ichigo. THat is when Ben made a huge tick mark on his head.

He then turned the dial on his watch and slam it down. A huge green light was then shown into the room.

What stood in Ben's place was a alien with red skin, four arms and four yellow eyes. It was Four arms."DO you believe me now?" asked Four Arms.

Ichigo stopped laughing and was shaking that the kid was telling the truth. "Yep I believe you now." said Ichigo as he was making a lots of sweats coming from his hair.

Nel on the other hand was happy that Ben look strong in this form. "Nel says that Ben is strong." said Nel.

"I think we are going to get along just fine." Said Ichigo.


Meanwhile somewhere in the Hollow world....

"Sir I am sorry to interrupt you but we have a problem." said one of the humanoid hollows soldiers.

"What is it? Can't you see I am in the middle of creating more hollows?" said the unknown person. "One of the hollows that were supposed to bring back a kid has disappeared. We believe that the kid he kidnapped escaped and destroy him." said the soldier.

That is when this person turned around. "I see. NOw that this kid knows about us, we need to know more about him. What is this kids name?" asked the unknow man.

"His name Lord Death Slasher, is Ben 10." said the soldier. That is when Death Slasher begins to smile.

"Well Ben 10 I hope your ready for the fight of your life, because we are coming for you." said Death slasher. He then began to laugh evilly as he thinks he wins already.


Ben has founded and meet Ichigo and now he with his help, he can stop the hollows weird behaviors. But Now that the person behind this is revealed. Can Ben defeat Death Slasher?

Find out soon.

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