Training With Ichigo Kurosaki

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Last time on Bleach 10

Ben appearance to Ichigo made him paralized of the surprize. Rukia then showed up a few seconds later. THey then had a conversation of why Rukia is here and that WHy Ichigo is shocked.

Then a huge Menos Grande appeared in town. Ben jumped to the tallest building to get its attention. THe Menos Grande turned its head to face Ben.

When it fired a huge Cero, nel appeared to swallow the attack and launch it back at the foe. Ben then told Nel to stay with Ichigo where it is safe.

Ben then launch a powerful slash attack and destroyed the menos Grande. NOw our villain has revive the powerful Arrancars.

Can Ben do anything to prepare himself to stop them or well he be defeated to the new foes he about to face? Find out Now


Ben's MInd

Ben woke up to find himself back in the world of his mind again. THere he sees ZanGoku again. But this time he saw a person that looks like Ben but the opposite color, was talking to each other. He was the hollow version of Ben

But this hollow was different from all of the other Hollow version out there. THis one wants to help ben defeated his enemies, not kill. It seems like that Ben personality does make a big change to others.

The Hollow version of Ben then notice Ben and made a smile and waved to him. "Hello there King." said Hollow Ben.

"ZanGoku? Who is this guy and why does he look like me?" asked Ben in a confused way. "Well you see young Ben, this the hollow version of you but this one is different. It wants to help you defeat your enemies not kill like the other Hollow versions out there." Said ZanGoku.

"YEah What he said." Said Hollow Ben. "Oh by the way. YOur friends are waiting for you to wake up." said Hollow Ben. Just like that Ben disappeared from them and from the mind world.

"DO you think he is ready?" Asked Hollow Ben. "Yes but only time will tell." said ZanGoku.


Ben open his eyes to see Ichigo, Rukia looking at him when he was asleep. He then notice that he was back where Kisuke shop is. He was on a sleeping mattresses for people who need medical care.

"What happened?" asked Ben as he slowly got up. "You passed out after you defeat that Menos Grande. We were going to take you back to my house but Kisuke told us that you need to more training to control you power." said Ichigo.

"He also said that I should train you in his training room." Said Ichigo. Ben blink his eyes in confusion, because he didn't understand what he meant. "Training room? What training room?" asked ben.


A few minutes later.

"Whoa!" Said Ben as he was looking at a area that was underneath Kisuke Shop. It was his Training room that is huge with real rocks and landscapes, designed to train Soul Reapers. "Who would have thought this was underneath the shop?" Said Ben as he was shocked from this surprise.

"Kid, this is not the time to be amazed. It's time for your training." Said Ichigo as he changed into his soul reaper form. "You ready?" he asked in a calm voice.

"You bet. It's HERO TIME!" Said Ben. He turned the watch on, he then spin the dial, he then final slam the dial down.

  A huge green of light was coming from where Ben is standing. Everyone had to cover their eyes so they don't go blind.

When the light dim down, what stood in Ben's place was one of his aliens. WHat stood in his place alien that his skin was white. THe Alien had orange plates on its arms, shoulders and its back. It was CannonBolt.

"May I ask who is this guy?" asked Ichigo. "I call this guy CannonBolt." Said CannonBolt. CannonBolt wasted no time for Ichigo to make his first move. 

CannonBolt curled himself into a ball. He then began to spin very fast and launch himself at Ichigo. Ichigo used his flash step to get away from Ben attack.

Ben then turned around and spin himself faster and was heading for Ichigo again. Ichigo keep using his FLash step to avoid each attack.

Orihime. Chad, Rukia and Uryu were watching the powerful display of one of Ben's alien forms.

"I hate to believe it, but Ben does have some strength. Heck he might just beat me with one ounce of one of his aliens. But he doesn't think a lot." Said Uryu as he adjusted his glasses.

"OH come on Uryu. You might hurt the guy's feelings." Said Orihime. "hmm." Said Chad. 

Back with the two heros....

CannonBolt and Ichigo were panting a lot.  Ichigo then focus his Spirit Energy into his blade. "GETSUGA TENSHOU!" He said as a huge blue crested moon shape spirit engere attack was launched at Ben.

CannonBolt covered his face with his hands. When the attack touched ben, the armor plates on his hands made the attack bounced right back at Ichigo which caused him to be knock out.

Kisuke THen came down the ladder to find Ichigo knock out. "You did well Ben. Ben?" HE noticed that Ben as Cannonbolt, was sound asleep.

THe gang couldn't help but laugh as they saw two powerful warriors taking a nap.


Back in the Hollow world

Several pods were around a room, and they look like they have a creature inside of it. THe villain wipe off the dust on of the Pods glass to see Nnoitra asleep and waiting to be awaken again.

Lord Death Slash pressed a button and the pod was opening. Nnoitra eyes opened with a evil smile on his face.


this is bad. Even though Ben was finished his training with Ichigo, our villain was revive the most powerful arrancars that Aizen created. Can Ben find a way to stop them or will the villains finally win and destroy our heros? find out soon..

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