Ben's New Power

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Last time on Bleach 10

Ben has meet this Ichigo person. Nel and her brothers were happy to see Ichigo again.

Ichigo led them to his room so they can chat. Ben then meet a stuffed talking animal named Kon and another Soul reaper named Rukia.

Ben then told his name to the other two and nel and her brothers told the group how the encounter Ben.

Ben then proved Ichigo that he can go alien. Nel was shocked to see one of Ben's forms.

Meanwhile in the hollow world

A new villain named Lord Death Slasher, got reports that Ben 10 has escape from the Hollow world and now he is being target as we speak.

What will ben do? Find out!


IN Ichigo's home

Ben was given permission by Ichigo's dad to sleep in his room. Ben was sleeping on a sleeping materials that he found in the closet. Nel was sleeping with Ben as she was chomping on his head. Her Brothers were sleeping in the attic of the house.

He was having a great sleep that is until Isshin Kurosaki, Ichigo's dad, came through the window to try to wake up his son with his morning attacks.

"GOOD MORNING ICHIGO!" Said Isshin before he came through the window.

Ichigo and Ben got out of the way and Isshin crashed into the closet door hard. Ben, Nel and Ichigo went downstairs to eat breakfast.

After Ben got his breakfast, he told Nel to stay at Ichigo's house, while he goes to Kisuke for Training. Nel wanted to go but her brothers, who just woke up, hold her back

Ben walk all over town, to look for a place that has Kisuke. He is able to find his shop, a old classic shop in a huge open ally.

When he went to knock on the door, a black cat jumped on his face. "Hey got off of me you stupid cat." Said Ben.

"Now is that anyway to say that to a woman?" said The Cat. "Huh?" said Ben. "GIve me a second." THe cat then jumped off his head and went behind a dumpster. A huge blue light came from behind it, and the being with clothes that came out for the dumpster was Yoruichi.

"NOw do you see what I mean boy. My name is Yoruichi." She said. "I am sorry. I am looking for Kisuke. He said he will give me training." Said Ben.

"Right,  I tell him know you're here." she said as she moved so fast that she disappeared and the reapered in seconds. "He said you can come inside." Ben then went inside to see Kisuke waiting for him with his fan open.

"Welcome kid. As you already know, the hollows have been acting strange. So I have a theory that might just work." Said Kisuke

"And that would be?" asked Ben. "To fight thesis new strong hollows, you must have the power of a hollow." Said Kisuke. THat made the whole room felt scary.

"In other words, you must go deep within you self, find a tiny fragment of a hollow, and a Soul Reaper power too. If you succeeded, you will be able to control the hollow form with that watch of yours and you can summon your soul reaper powers whenever you want to. This is up to you." Said Kisuke.

"Fine let's do it." Then Kisuke hit Ben in the head with his walking stick which knock him out. Ben now has to find the power of the soul reaper and the hollow within or he will never beat all the strong hollows.


Meanwhile in the hollow world....

Death Slasher has creat 20 new strong hollows. "Prepare, my comrades, we will sent thesis hollows to Karakura town. Let's see if Ichigo can handle thesis guys. HAHAHA!" said the villain as he pressed a button.

A huge portal opened and the 20 new hollows went through it. THe villain smirk as he can't wait to see the results.


Within the deep parts of Ben mind....

Ben opened his eyes to find himself on the side of a tall building. "Where am I?" asked Ben. 

"You are within the world of your mind." said unknown voice. Ben turned around to see a man sitting on the side of the building. His clothes had ancient ninja armor and two Katanas on his back.

"Who are you?" asked Ben. 

"Call me ZanGoku. I am the spirit of your weapon and your ally. I know why you are here. You want the power of a soul reaper  and the power to turn into a hollow. I am glady to give it to you but understand this, you will be a magnet for any strong hollows that want to get your soul. You must be prepared at all times or you will be consumed by the evil spirits of a hollow." He said

"I understand" Said Ben. "Now it is going to take awhile so wait until the process is complete." said ZanGoku. Ben then began to wait for his soul reaper and hollow powers to be ready.


Meanwhile with Ichigo

Ichigo was at his school. He was talking to his friends Uryu, Orihime,  and Chad about his new info he got.

"Are you serious Ichigo? Are you going to believe what a little kid that he might just made up?" asked Uryu. 

"Then explain why Nel was with him." asked Ichigo. "hm." said Chad. THen all of the sudden they felt tons of Hollows spiritual pressure.

Then tons of Hollows began to show themselves around the school. Luck for the normal humans, they were evacuated when they thought what's happening is a earthquake.

Lucky Ichigo, he got his Substitute Soul Reaper badge and turned into his Soul reaper form without anyone trying to figure out why Ichigo body went unconscious. 

Ichigo then went outside with his New version of ZanGetsu sword and his soul reaper form to take on thesis Hollows.

But he wasn't doing so well, the hollows were so strong that it would take a miracle to have enough strength to cut the hollows down.


Back with Ben's mind

Ben has finally got the power of a soul reaper and the power of a hollow within him. He just felt a strange pressure that shake his core.

"You since that? That is your pal Ichigo's spiritual pressure. He is in trouble." Said ZanGoku. Just like that, Ben left his World of his mind, turned on his Soul Reaper powers which caused a huge green of light to erupt from Kisuke shop, which made a huge hole on the roof. 

The light then head to Ichigo place. "Man that's gotta cost a lot fix that roof. "Said Kisuke.


(Song: NUmber one, Ichigo theme)

Ichigo was corned with lots of hollows ready to fire there Cero. Just when hope seem lost right now, a huge green of light crashed behind the hollows and caused a huge thick Fog.

It moved so fast, that is look like a blur to your eyes. "Slash...ZanGoku." Said a mysterious voice. After a voice said that, lots of hollows began to scream in pain as lots of slashed began to shon on the face, and there legs.

Soon they all disappeared, and the fog lifted. It showed to be Ben in his soul reaper form, just like Ichigos. He had two Katanas Zanpakuto swords on his back.

"Hi Ichigo. Hows things going." Said Ben with a goofy smile on his face.


To be Continued......

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