Ben verus Menos Grande

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Last time on Bleach 10

Ben went to Kisuke TO get some training of defeating the hollows. Kisuke put Bne in a sleep with his cane to for Ben to go deep within himself to get eh power he needs

THere, he meet his Zanpakuto, ZanGoku, a manifestation of ninja with ancient ninja armor and two swords on his back.

When he got the power he needed, he rushed over to Ichigo since he was surrounded by lots of hollows. With his fast speed, he defeated the hollows in 0.01 seconds.

Now how will Ben shows his other powers to his new friends. Find out!


Ichigo was standing there surprised and his mouth wide open. He never expected a soul reaper to destroy a hollow in 1 second.

Not only that, the soul reaper he is seeing, is Ben. He is wondering how did Ben get this power in short time?

Ben walk up to Ichigo. "Hey. Are you alright?" asked Ben. He moved his hand infront of Ichigo face but no reaction.

"What do you know? He is so much shocked by the surprised that he is paralyzed and can't move." Said a familiar voice.

When Ben turned around, he saw a familiar face who is her Soul Reaper form. It was Rukia.

"Oh Hi Rukia

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"Oh Hi Rukia. What are you doing here?" asked Ben. Rukia went up to Ben and look at him closely.

"I can't believe you have the power of a soul reaper. When are you going to stop throwing surprises at your friends?" asked Rukia. 

"Well I dont know. I just like making surprises to my friends." said Ben. They both looked at each other and then they both started to laugh together.

"Well okay Ben. I answer you question, I got a order from the Soul Society that a huge Spiritual Pressure of hollows were here. But by the time I got here, they were gone. I am starting to think you did it." Said Rukia.

"Yeah. This is my Sword, ZanGoku. I still got more surprises to show you guys later in the future. BUt for right now, I am trying to get use to this." said Ben as he smiled.

Rukia then felt her Soul Pager ringing. "Well looks like you got too, a huge hollow is coming coming here but my Soul pager doesn't say where it is coming from. All it says were in a certain area of it near this school." said Rukia.

"Um Rukia, when you mean a huge hollow, you mean really big?" asked Ben. "Yes Why?" asked Rukia. Ben pointed something behind her. He was pointed a huge crack behind her that something was coming out of it.

When Rukia turned around, she was scared. It was a huge hollow alright but not just any hollow, it was a Menos Grande.

 It was a huge hollow alright but not just any hollow, it was a Menos Grande

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"That..... That's a Menos Grande.  Ben dont fight it, it's a tough hollow to kill. SO please dont..." When she turned around, she didn't see ben where he was.

When she look around to find ben, she noticed ben on a tall building where the hollow is. 'He is just like Ichigo. He doesn't think well.' said Rukia in her mind.

"HEY BIG GUY!" Said Ben. the hollow turned its head to where Ben is. Rukia slap Ichigo in the face to wake him up.

"Oh hey Rukia. Where's Ben?" asked Ichigo. She pointed to the tallest building where he is about to fight a Meno Grande.

"Do you think he needs help?" asked Rukia. "No, let him fight. He might just be a kid, but he is strong." said Ichigo.

THe Hollow charged up its red cero. But it keeped getting bigger and bigger. When the beast fired its cero, Ben was ready to block it. Just when he was ready for the attack to come closer, a figure appeared in front of him. It was Nel still in her kid form.

"Nel what are you doing?" asked Ben. Nel opened up her mouth and swallowed the entire cero. When she reopen her mouth, the creature's own attack came back at it which pushed the Menos Grande a few miles.

"Whew. Nel believes that was close." said Nel. "Nel what are you doing here?" asked Ben. "Nel wanted to come and help." said Nel.

"Saty here please or just go down there where Ichigo is, while I handle the Menos Grande." said Ben. Ben then  jumped from building to building to get close to the hollow again.

When Ben got close, he jumped to the creatures mask, he focus all of his spiritual pressure into the swords and made a huge slash.

THe huge slash made the mask of the Menos Grande to split into two and then the Menos Grande disappeared.

Ben then landed on top of medium size building. Ben then felt tired and was knock out.

He was then returned to his human form when he was knocked out. Ichigo, Rukia and Nel founded Ben and carried him back to Ichigo's house.


Back in the hollow world

"NOOOOOOO!" Screamed the villain. "I can't believe that my perfect Hollows were destroyed." said Lord Death Slasher.

 "No choice, boys...It's time to awake 'them'. Said the villain. "Are.....Are you sure boss?" asked the soldiers.

"Yes. It is time to wake up the most Arrancars that Aizen created and tell them know their new leader." said the Villain. He then make huge Evil smile grin on his face.


Oh No! Even though Ben destroy the hollows, Lord Death Slasher is angry. He plans to awake the most powerful Arrancars. Ben is going to have a hard time with the new foes coming up.

To be Continued.................

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