He Hits You pt.2|G.D

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This book is so close to 2k if it hits I'm gonna cry!!!!

   You decide to get up and waddle like a duck in pain to your best friend room. You basically kick open the door and waddle your way to Y/BFF/Ns bed.
   "ASHOLE GET UP BEFORE I HAVE THIS BABY ON YOUR BED!" You say throwing a pillow at her..
   She gets up quickly when she realizes what you had said.
   "Oh my god!"
   "Yes Come on I need a doctor!" You said holding your stomach. You and her walked out and drove off. You were groaning all the way there. You were so uncomfortable.
   When you arrived she helped you out and you guys ran into the E.R. They lady quickly signed you Ina my got you to a bed. She helped you change into a gown and she laid you down. You laid there. They gave you medicines and an epidural. But then you remembered that Grayson wasn't there.
   "Y/BFF/N hand me my phone please!"
  You got in your phone and started texting Grayson. You told him that you were at the hospital and you went into labor(omg😂😂👏🏻).
  He just barley read your message when you felt a sharp pain.
  "AAAHHH" you yell dropping your phone and anything else you were holding.
  The doctor came rushing over to you. She looked "down there" (can we not) and she looked back up at you.
  "Ma'am your going to need to start pushing!" She said quickly
   "NO NO NO, I can't do this without Grayson here!" You yell.
  "Ma'am you have to!"
  "No I can't" you said starting to cry. Then Grayson ran into the room and kissed you taking your hand in his.
  "Are you ready now?!" The doctor asked
  "Yes" you said looking at Grayson.
  After everything (dmshjwbwhwg I don't wanna write that painful scene)
   You had a beautiful baby girl named Liyah(cause I like that name😂❤️). When you got to hold her for the first time the doctors asked about your bruised cheek!
   "I just fell!" You said looking at Grayson which looked as sorry as ever.
  "Okay well I'd advise you to be more careful next time!" She warned.
  "Okay thank you"
  She walked out and Grayson held your baby girl. The way he looked down at her made you smile!😊

Well this was SHIYT but anyway! Bye lmao😂❤️ ily all so much😝😘

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