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I stare out my window, looking at the palm trees and people walking on the beach. Odell and Raegan let me and Stephanie leaves with them to Hawaii. It's beautiful out here. I kept playing back what happen to me back in Los Angeles.


I was in the hospital bed looking around. Why I'm at the hospital? I was fine earlier. "Your up" I heard Raegan. She got up from her seat and walk to me.

"W-What happen t-to me" I said holding my head. It was still hurting and throbbing.

"You pass out at out house..so I hurried and brought you here" I look at the door seeing the doctor come in with some cops.

"Hi Ms.Diaz.. I see your finally up" the doctor said.

"Why is my head hurting so much" I ask.

"You had a blow to the head..like somebody hit you pretty hard..it caused head trauma..do you know who did it" the doctor said. I look at Raegan. I have to tell somebody about Carlos and put him in jail.

"His name was Carlos" I said remember what happen. "Carlos Perez"

"Ok..what did he do to you" the detective ask.

"I was coming home from her wedding" I pointed at Raegan. "And he was at home with his friends"

*Flashback to Carlos penthouse*

I walk in the penthouse extremely tired. Carlos had a couple girls and boys playing music, drinking and laughing. I didn't feel like hearing it. So I walk up to Carlos and tap his shoulder. "Carlos"

"Aye..wassup baby" he slurred. Was he drunk.

"Carlos why is so many people here" I ask looking around.

"Baby..we just partying..having a great time..here you want some whiskey or ciroc"he hand me a cup. I through the cup somewhere else.

"No..tell these people to get the hell out!" I yelled. He back up with a mean face and nod his head.

"Aye..y'all got to get out of here..wifey wants to talk" he laughed with this other dude. The people walk out all laughing and talking. Good. Now there's peace and quiet. "Wait..Wait..y'all two stay here..go to my room..I be there in a minute" the girls walk to his room. Finally he got my attention.

"Why is you having a party" I ask.

"It's my house..my life" he grab his drink. "Where you coming from"

"Raegan and Odell wedding" I sat down rubbing my hair. He slam the bottle on the counter. "What"

"Didn't I tell you not to go by that bitch ass nigga..you don't fucking listen!!" he grab my hair throwing me down the ground. I tried to get up but he kick me back down. "WHY YOU LIKE HIM..HUH..WHAT YOU THINK HE BETTER THEN ME!!" he punch me in the face making my nose bleed. "HE TREAT YOU BETTER THEN ME!!" I was on the floor trying to crawl my way to safety. He then grab me by the hair pulling me all the way to my room. I scream, kick, holler. But no one can hear me, except them girls and Stephanie. "STAY YOUR ASS IN HERE"

"Fuck you Carlos..what the hell wrong with you" I cried. He look at me and walk out somewhere. I cried holding my stomach where he kick me at. He came back with a bottle.

"Bebita I love you" he drunk the bottle of Hennessey. "Pero nunca se dio cuenta (but you never noticed)" he hit me with the bottle making it break into pieces. I black out.

*back at hospital*

"I woke back up and manage to make it out of there..my head was hurting and my nose was bleeding" I cried.

"Well we find a piece of glass was in your head..we pull it out" the doctor said. I nod slowly.

"Do you know where he stay" the detective said.

"He love on Apple Street..1703..that's the penthouse building"I said.

"What his penthouse number"

"201" they nod their heads.

"Ok..we're done here..get some rest and we be back to check up on you" the doctor walk the detective out. I wasn't really tired but might as well sleep.

*Flashback over*

I look at the door to see Odell and Raegan walking back in. "Hey Pandora..your hungry"Raegan ask.

"Yeah sure"I walk to the kitchen.

"Where Stephanie" Odell ask.

"She went to the beach..relaxing..she stress..the baby kept kicking earlier" i said.

"Omg..ima go look for her" Raegan said walking out. I watch as she walk out,closing the door.

"Baby..why im here" I was standing in front Odell with my arms crossed.

"Because I want to keep an eye on you..its to dangerous back in Los Angeles"he kiss my lips. "Now come help me with these groceries" he smack my butt smirking.

"Boy you better stop before I tell wifey"me and him bust out laughing. I guess this is my new life now.

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