Kaosu no Tengoku Ch1

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Chapter 1: Principal and School

In the large city, bustling with buildings surrounded by a clear, blue ocean. We find the main character of this story sitting on a sand-filled beach in front of the ocean scooping up sand and throwing it into the ocean and then I unexpectedly threw some sand behind me. I was sticking out on the beach with my grizzled white hair, blue pants, black jacket, red eyes, an orange shirt, 17 years old, and was around 5 foot 5.

"My bad." I said sarcastically as I slowly looked behind me. Behind me was a lady who looked in her thirties on high heels, jet-black hair with ornaments, a long fur coat, red eyes, a leopard shirt, black mini-skirt, a voluptuous body, holding a pipe with smoke coming out of it, looks in her mid-twenties and was 5 foot 11.

"Haven't you become all defiant this past year, Shimizu Ren?” The lady said.

"I missed." I said bored.

"Now get to class. You have been missing way to many lessons." She said.

"Shut up, you old hag, I'll do what I want." I told her.

"At least your manners have not changed. You're as rude as always." She said as her anger started to show.

"Well, I am not going to class, I won't learn shit." I said.

“You do know, I'm the principal of that "shit" school." She said frustrated.

"I know, you've been there for like what? 800 years? Regular lifespan is like 200." I asked.

"I'm not that old, kid." She said as her anger continued to rise and her malice was flowing out.

"Only an old person says kid." I smirked and I could feel her anger flaring.

"You're really asking to get hanged from your ass aren't ya?" She said with a horrific expression.

"Bring it on you old hag." I said as I stuck my middle finger at her.

"Time for punishment." She said, as her malice seems to come out of her body as black smoke.

"As if." I said defiantly as I charged at her. She flung her palm at me, then I suddenly stopped and I saw thin lines covering my body.

"You should know my ability by now." She said.

"Type animorph. Class arachnid. Characteristic threads. Ranking, early stage: B, growth: A, final: S." I analyzed with a grumpy expression on my face from being caught so easily.

"Correct, a perfect answer as expected." She clapped. "Now suffer."

"AHH!" I screamed and cuts appeared throughout my body ripping through my flesh.

"That's what you thought I would say." I said with a smile on my face.

"Now I'm pissed." I said as the strings ripped my body as I struggled to push my body forward.

"You're going to just keep hurting yourself like that." She said as she just stared at me struggle, but I ignored her and pressed forward deepening the cuts on my body.

"I won't feel satisfied till I punch your face." I said with anger.

“Ha~ you’re going to die.” She said without concern.

“I’m not afraid of something like death.” I said, then she snapped her fingers and I dropped on my knees.

“Last chance go to school or I’ll make you.” She said.

“Take this.” I shouted as I tried to punch her, instead she disappears and gets behind me.

“Looks like I’ll have to force you.” She smirked, as threads wrapped my wrist and ankles. Then a few threads appeared behind my back and she pulled the thread on my wrist and ankles.

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