Kaosu no Tengoku Ch7

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Chapter 7: Enchanting

            “Class, let’s review what we did in class.” The teacher said, as I looked bored.

            “Shimizu-san.” He called me.

            “Haaa.” I intimidated as I stood up and slammed my hands on the desk. Suddenly I felt a powerful smack on the back of my head.

            “Ren. Please do not threaten the teacher.” Haruka asked as she uncurled her notebook and sat back down as everyone watched the squabble.

            “Heh.” I snorted, as I decided not to argue.

            “Well, Hanamaru Shizuka.” The teacher called someone. A person who sat near the middle of the room sat up.

            “Yes.” She said in a soft, shy voice as she stood up. She is 4 foot 10 and wore our school uniform. She was a thin girl, dimmed golden eyes and long black hair in a ponytail.

            “The lesson we finished today talked about how all abilities with a few exceptions is connected to the brain also that most abilities require more time for abilities more widespread or stronger depending on the ability. The lesson we worked on today talked about enchantments. Enchanting was one of the first things we learned when our people arrived in Chaos of Heaven since there were inanimate objects that had life veins. Life veins can create a range of power ups to summoning, but we needed the life veins to completely connect together and empower with something since life veins had a very unconnected structure. So they made a enchanter class, enchanters have to change and correct the life veins until it fits together then empower it with a dragon’s furnace.” Hanamaru said in a near whisper.

            “Now class we will be going to the newly created enchanter workshop to practice some enchanting.” The teacher said as he left and we followed.

             The class entered a room at least three times the size of our classroom with long hardwood table that could fit three people all facing a giant blackboard, the room was covered in a grayish black color. In the corner of the room was mismatched tiles, it was a red and gray color with a furnace around 6 foot tall and 10 foot wide. The furnace was gray color and you could see the bright blue flames that seemed to come out of the furnaces openings.

            “This here is the dragon’s furnace; it is heated from a heart of a dragon and is surrounded by successful enchantments on steel to be four thousand times stronger and long lasting than regular steel. Every enchantment difficulty is shown from how many bits it took to create it. Bits can range from a 0.5 cm to 1 inch diameter, the record holding enchantment in the world is 10 billion and 4 million bits, which took 8 years to make. Everyone get to your stations and you will find a small bucket with 64 bits, we will be making a heightened sense ring. Follow the instructions in the bucket and we will see how well you people can do it on your own.” The teacher explained and left the room.

            “What a fucking useless teacher.” I said as I sat on my seat and did nothing.

            “Ren. At least do some work.” Haruka asked.

            “Why would I need to do this?” I grumbled as I decided not to argue and look at the booklet inside the bucket.

            “I don’t get it what it says.” I said in confusion after flipping through the booklet.

            “What? This is only level three words, you should be able to figure out what it means and we learned level three words four years ago.” Haruka frustrated and she went to the teacher’s podium in front of the blackboard.

            “Here. This is the only booklet easier to read than that one.” Haruka passed it over to me. I opened the book are read it.

            “Are you fucking me? These are all pictures. What am I, a kid?” I shouted as I threw it on the ground.

            “That was the only booklet that was easier than the one before.” Haruka commented.

            “Fuck it. Just show me how to do it.” I asked.

            “Fine.” She sighed as she took tweezers out of a compartment she pulled out from under the table. She took three pieces of equipment, two flat tip steel tweezers and a small cylindrical container with a sharp tip and a fire symbol. She pointed the cylindrical container at the table and squeezed the near transparent button causing a small light flame coming from the tip.

            “These are the preparation procedures.” Haruka said as she carefully took all 64 pieces out of the bucket and laid them on the table. There was an assortment of 48 small thin curved metal plates, 16 tiny scarlet gems, and 10 circular curved metal plates that were all smaller than an inch in diameter. Using a tweezers in both hands, Haruka carefully stuck the metal plates together and switched the tweezers in her left hand with the cylindrical container. She lightly heated the metal plates and stuck them together like glue and switched back to tweezers. Then she continued matching the plates and heating them together. After fusing the curved metal plates it created a ring and Haruka heated the circular plates on the top and bottom of the ring. When Haruka finished, she carefully put the gems and heated them into place.

            “Done.” Haruka said proudly as she walked over to the furnace, opened the furnace, and threw her ring in it. After a few moments it dropped out from a slot further down. Haruka picked it up right away and brought it to her table.

            “That is how it is done. Although I do not know if it was successful unless someone checks for me since I do not know too much about enchanting.” Haruka said.

            “I got it. I’ll do it myself so don’t bother me.” I said as I quickly followed her procedures.

            When there was only ten minutes left until class ended, the teacher walked in.

            “Everyone, place your finished product on the longest table in the back.” The teacher asked as everyone started to put their finished products at long table in the back that could easily fit 10 people.

            “Now let’s see who succeeded in enchantment. Hmm, this one curved plate alignment was slightly off…” He continued as he looked from left to right carefully inspecting each in moments.

            “This one is extremely close, there were two gems slightly misplaced.” He said as I heard Haruka sighed depressingly.

            “Did no one enchant correctly?” I heard whispers throughout the class.

            “This is the last one and it’s ….. successful?” The teacher said in surprise.

            “This, who made it?” The teacher asked the class.

            “I did.” I raised my hand as everyone looked at me in surprise.

            “Ehhh???” Everyone yelled surprised in unison.

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