Kaosu no Tengoku Ch6

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Chapter 6: Gravitation and Teams 2

            The sword my opponent held melded into his right hand and he took two swords, one in each hand from his neck as my wounds on my body were quickly healing. When he finishes taking his swords out from his neck I was already closing in and about to attack with my right fist. Our attacks collided as we stared at each other. We quickly distanced ourselves; my wounds started to quickly heal as he melded his swords and took new one from his neck.

            Our next exchange, he aimed for my left shoulder, which I intentionally left open. It embedded itself 5~6 inches into my shoulder, but I attacked him with my right fist aimed at his head. Instead of hitting his face my fist got pierced by two bronze knives he was holding in his left hand. My left arm started to squirm and I forced it to strike my enemy even though his sword was still embedded in my shoulder. I landed a solid hit on his jaw and he unsteadily moved away. The sword in my shoulder turned to steam and was quickly healing also wounds on my fist.

            “That jab was faster and stronger than you’re previous punches weren’t they.” He smirked as he melded his sword and knives back and took out a long bronze sword.

            “Not at all, you’re being a predictable idiot.” I snickered.

            “Che. Haaa!” He clicked his tongue as he attacked me.

            I quickly intercept the strike with my left arm and hit for his stomach.

            “Uu.” He chocked as he stepped back, I quickly followed up with a left jab, which still had a sword stuck that was steaming away, in his stomach.

            “Heh.” He snickered and got close to the sword that was stuck to my left arm. He grabs it and fiercely cuts my arm off. Hastily I grab my left arm and jump back. Then I quickly aligned my arm back and it reconnected.

            “What are you? A zombie?” He asked.

            “Not at all, I just heal fast.” I said confidently as I swung my left arm to check if it’s connected. Then my opponent started to pull a larger sword out of his neck.

            “Melodic Climax.” I whispered and the sword changed to bronze while inside his neck ripping his neck and blood started to splatter out his neck.

            “Ahh.” He gasped from the surprise.

            “You better change the bronze back into your flesh or you’ll die.” I suggested as I stood there watching what happened. As soon as I mentioned it, he followed my orders and the bronze melded back and his wound closed up though the blood was still on his body.     

            “W-what did you do?” He asked mystified.

            “Just used my ability and forcing your ability to hit its climax. It didn’t take too long to learn how your ability works and creating suitable methods to deal with them. You’re too weak compared to the ability training and analytical skills I was forced to gain when I was young enough to walk.” I replied.

            “A pathetic loser like you should just surrender quietly.” I said.

            “Fuck off!” He shouted as he took a sharp knife and threw it right at my forehead. I quickly reacted by putting my right arm in front of my forehead and intercepted it. The knife just scratched the surface of my forehead. I took his collar and rammed him into a tree trunk, staring right at him.

            “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? You were aiming to kill me because of some goddamn words? You should never kill someone as you know in Chaos of Heaven our people are losing their lives against the Devils that can easily wipe our kind out. If we lose people who can help fight back against the Devils we’ll lose possibly chances to turn this fucking war around.” I shouted angrily. After I let go of him and he slowly slid down from the trunk. Then sat on the ground in shock from what I just said.

            “I-I almost killed someone.” He repeated as he put gripped his head with his hands.

            “Ren.” Haruka called out a few yards away to my right. I looked to where the voice was coming from and I saw Haruka, Inoe, and someone unfamiliar. The girl was around 5 foot 5 with bright orange hair and crimson eyes. She wore the school uniform of a white long-sleeved shirt, checkered skirt like Haruka, and light brown shoes. He arms were behind her back and Inoe was matching her pace behind her making sure she does nothing.

            “You beat him?” Inoe questioned as she saw the man I was fighting on the ground.

            “Just had a talk with him.” I scratched the back of my head with my left arm.

            “What happened to your arm?” Haruka pointed at my left arm that had a visible ring of blood around the area cut.

            “It’s nothing.” I said.

            “So what should we do to these guys?” Inoe asked as she made the girl she captured sit next to the guy on the ground.

            “I’ll be taking care of that.” Someone familiar emerged from the forest.

            “Principal?” Everyone said in unison.

            “Yo, don’t be so formal, call me Kumo. I came cause I felt some trouble and found that you guys dealt with it.” The principal said.

            “Matsuga Shin and Hanazaki Koi, you’ll be punished for an illegal fight in this area.” Kumo read as she looked at the guy named Shin and the girl named Koi. Then she signaled them with her right hand closer but instead of them moving towards her, they seemed to fly through the air in an arc and land a few feet from Kumo. I saw a shine coming from Kumo’s fingers leading to threads the surrounded Shin and Koi’s bodies.

            “Oh yes and you too.” Kumo said, as she seemed to signal me and I was suddenly flying threw the air and landing next to the others.

            “Why me?” I questioned angrily.

            “You were late for class. Haruka I heard what happened so you are not held responsible this time but make sure this does not happen again.” Kumo warned.

            “Thank you for giving me this chance.” Haruka bowed.

            “Time to go.” Kumo dragged the three of us away.

            “I’ll pay this back to you one day, old hag!” I screamed as I was dragged off.

            “I will most definitely follow my promise I said before. *” Kumo reminded me.

            “I would like to see you try.” I said defiantly.

            “Fucking bitch!” I screamed as crows flew away from my voice.

            *Refer to Chapter 1 line 21

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