The Mortal World

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I open my eyes to find myself in an ally between what looks like a shop and a tavern. I walk out of the ally to see I'm in a market. I look around to see everyone was wearing red. Puzzled I continue to look around. I walk up to the tavern door and walk in. I'm going to book a room for later. There were many People here. Most were drinking while others were past out from drinking to much. I sneak past some Dancing drunk men and kept going till I made it to the bar.

" Um... Sir may I please book a room for later?" I ask politely.

" Yes you may, Lass. A normal room is two gold coins and a more expensive room is ten gold coins" said the man behind the bar. I give him a smile and dig around in my bag. I find some coins and pull them out. I pull out twenty coins.

" Here you go Sir" I said handing him the coins. He was shocked at the amount of coins I handed him.

" Lass this is to much I only want to ten gold coins" said the man.

" It's alright I insist that you take it consider it as a tip for letting me stay here" I said giving him a smile.

"Th-thank you Lass I won't forget this" the man said with thanks.

" You're very welcome. I'll be back later I'm going to go check out this place" I said turning to leave. I walk out of the tavern. Where should I go? I stop to think. I should go and try to find something out about one of the kings. I start walking around and asking about the Kings. All I found out was that there is a war going on between two of the kings. I kept walking around. Everyone stopped and looked at me. I must stand out being a different colour then every one else. I walk out into the cities centre where a fountain stood. I sit on the rim of the fountain and sighed.

" I can't find anything out about the Kings. I'll fall to the evil before I can find out a single thing" I thought out loud. Suddenly I hear someone yell in anger and not long after someone screaming in pain. I jump to my feet and run towards the direction it came from. I turn a corner to see a crowd of people. I squeeze threw the crowd to get to the centre. When I was in the inner circle of the crowd I saw a lady on the ground. She saw bleeding from being whipped.

"This is what happens when you don't pay your taxes. Now that you still refuse to pay your taxes your daughter will become a slave to the King" said a knight that stood before the lady.

" I didn't refuse to pay the taxes it's because I don't have any money to spare!" The lady said crying.

" You worthless trash. You dare talk back to a knight. I could have you executed for that" threatened the knight. He nods to one of the Knights at his side as the knight nod back and walk over to a little girl. She stood next to a man who looked to be her father. He held the girl close to him protectively. The knight snatched the little girl out of the fathers hands. The father tried to get his daughter back but the man pushed him down. The knight pulled his blade out of its case and lifted it up. He prepared to swing his sword. As he swung his blade I ran to aid the man. I pull my katana out of its case. A burst of light fled from the sword as it surrounded me. The Knights sword hit my sword then broke into two. The pressure from my blade sent the knight flying. I feel something on my head. I feel my head. I came to the realization that I had a crown on my head. I look at the knight that had ordered this.

" What do you think you're doing. Harming those that live in this Kingdom. How stupid are you" I said boiling in anger.

" Who are you to call me out like that. I'm the Red Kings second in command, Lord Luther" said the knight." Who are you? No peasant has power like that."

" I'm Astaya. That's all I'm telling you" I said glaring at Luther. I put my katana back into its case as the light around me vanished. The crown remained on my head." How much does the lady owe" I ask curious.

"She owes fifty gold coins" said Luther.

" that's a lot for a those who only have so much" I said. I reach into my bag." May I pay for her?"

" As long as I get the money I'm fine with anything" Luther said. I walk up to him and hand him fifty coins. He towered over me. If I weren't so angry with him I'd probably be intimidated by him. He smirked when I glared at him." Grab her" Luther said not loosing eye contact. I step back in shock as the Knights quickly surrounded me. I grab the handle of my sword prepared to fight. Before I could pull the case off my sword Luther grabbed my wrist. I try to squirm my way out of his strong grip.

" Let me go!" I demanded. That only made Luther smirk more. With my free hand I punch Luther in the face as he began to fall back. Everything started to go in slow motion as Luther slowly fell over. The other Knights grabbed me. Luther got up after the fall then stood in front of me.

" That was a good punch, just not enough to take me down for good" Luther said. He holds my chin between his first finger and his thumb." You'll be a quite suitable slave for me" said Luther smirking. I wanted to punch that smug little face of his off the face of the planet.

" Well I have other plans" said a voice. One of the Knights that was holding me was thrown to the ground. I look around to see no one. Suddenly another fell to the ground. I was freed. Not warned, someone had grabbed the back of my neck and was forcing a liquid into my mouth." Drink this fast" said a voice. When the flow of the liquid ended I look down at my hands to see them vanish. I saw the out line of some one next to me. The figure grab my wrist and started to run dragging me behind them. He jumped over the crowd of people and landed on the outside of the crowd.

" Whoa wait where are you taking me?" I asked.

" Somewhere safe" said the figure." Trust me." I nod. Well I never thought this would happen in this world. I just continued to fallow the figure not giving it a second thought.

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