Dark Magic and Yayoi

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"I found the spell of compelling!" I yell with glee. I grab a nearby object, turns out to be my arrow, and use it to mark the page. Closing the book, I grabbed another arrow, kissed the arrowhead, watched it grow, hopped on, and flew out the window. Zack and Dante were fighting now. Zack looked unamused. Dante just smirked. Zack noticed me and smiled.

"Did you find it?" He calls out to me.

"Yep, I'm going to go undo this spell. Keep him busy," I said.

"As you wish m'lady," Zack said bowing. He wore a smirk. I smiled in return. Even in time of danger, he makes me feel good. Not wasting time, I flew towards the window. Alic, Liam and Lassie were holding their ground against Griffin and Megan. The familiars were fighting Griffin while Liam, Alic and Lassie were fighting Megan.

"Hey Solaris!" I call out to him. Solaris turns and his face instantly lit up.

"Woah! I want to fly!" Solaris said.

"Later, right now I need you guys to back off Griffin so I can get him to follow me," I said.

"Got it!" Solaris said. He jumped away from Griffin as the other familiars follow.

"Griffin," I call out. His gaze shot towards me. "I don't believe you love her." His eyes blared with burning rage.

"Our love it true!" Griffin yells.

"Then prove it!" I yell. Griffin charges towards me. I flew out the window. If I fight Griffin I want to do it out here were I won't destroy the place. Griffin was coming at me at an overwhelming speed. Just as I flew outside, Griffin caught up to me. His hand reached for my neck. I couldn't move away in time. Griffin grabbed my neck and lifted me off of my flying arrow. My arrow shrunk and tumbled to the ground below.

"Oh Astaya, how weak you truly are. You should never try to pick a fight with a demon," Griffin said.

"You think you're stronger, but I'm destined to bring harmony to this world," I mutter with the little breath I had. "And I won't let anyone stand in my way. Now even my allies." I open the book to the page with the spell of compelling.

King of Red.
I, the queen of white,
Release you from all and further more spells.
Be the man you are meant to be.
And fallow the destiny you have chosen.

Griffins eyes changed slightly. Almost like life was brought back to them. A smile crossed my lips. He's back. Griffin realized what he was doing, his eyelids flew back.

"Astaya?!" He yells.

"Hey Griffin," I mutter. Griffin put his free hand around my waist and pulled me close. His other hand released my neck. "I'm so glad you're back to normal." Griffin hugged me close.

"What happened, Astaya?" Griffin asked. "I don't remember anything."

"You were put under a spell," I explained. Realizing how high up I was, I grip onto Griffin. "Um... Can we go down onto the ground please?" Griffin flew down to the ground.


"Better," I answer. Without warning, Zack came hurtling towards us. He crashed against the ground covered in wounds. "Zack!" I cried. I ran to his side. He looked weak and badly injured. He was frozen in an attacking position. "What is this?!"

"Astaya," Zack was able to say. I look up to see Dante aiming a beam at Griffin. As the beam was sent towards Griffin, I sprint into action. I pushed Griffin out of the way. I'm a goner. Closing my eyes, I embraced the darkness.

"Astaya," whispered a voice. I slowly opened my eyes. Holding me close in his arms was Liam. He peered down at me with his beautiful smile. I was in the clear.

"What?! But I was just about to be hit by Dante's attack!" I shout not getting the full picture. Liam looked up. I follow his gaze. Alic stood strong with his sword in front of him. He must have stopped the attack. Just as I got to my feet, Alic fell. "Alic!" I run to his side. He was panting. He looked up at me. His eyes narrowed.

"Astaya, your eyes are getting worse," Alic said ending his sentence with a cough.

"There's no time to worry about me. We have to get you to safety as well as Zack," I said. Alic chuckled.

"Astaya, you know me. I don't back down. I'm loyal to my comrades. There's no way I'm leaving," Alic said.

"But you could get hurt!" I yell.

"So be it. I pledged to protect you I'm not letting myself be weak-" I cut Alic off.

"No you can't!" I screamed. Alic looked shocked.


"I won't let you risk your life! I already lost Garth! I can't lose anyone else!" I scream. Tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Look at who's so powerless that she has empty words-" Dante was interrupted.

"SHUT UP!" I cry. "YOU ARE THE ONE WHO CAUSED THIS PAIN! I'M STRONGER THEN I WAS! NOW I HAVE THE CAPABILITY TO STOP YOU!" I closed my eyes and begin to gather my energy. "From dawn to dusk, moon to sun, lend my your power, Divine Gods!"

The sun dimmed. I change at Dante. I felt a warm liquid drip from my eyes. It wasn't tears. It was to thick to be tears. When I jumped up, I was sent into the air. Dante looked amused but didn't flinch. I go to uppercut him but he bent his head back. The punch flies past him. The sun brightened up again. I was drained. Dante quickly grabbed me and pulled close to him. It's like he didn't want me to fall.

"Astaya, Astaya. You should know, using such a strong spell without you're full strength can kill you," Dante said with a smirk. It quickly faded leaving a serious expression. "Don't do it again." I was to weak to move. My head flopped to the side as I see Lassie. She had blood dripping from her eyes.

"Dammit," I mutter. "Let me go Dante!"

"If that's what you wish," Dante said. He loosened his grip as I slip out of grasp. If only I could fly. I'd be able to fly to the ground below. As if my wish was granted, I stopped mid air. I didn't feel any arms around me. But I did feel a hand gripping mine. I dangled from my arm. I opened my eyes, I hadn't realized I closed them. Above me was a familiar face.

"Liam?!" I yell. Liam was flying. He had icy Phoenix wings. His clothes had changed too. He wore blue armour, baggy blue plants, and high metal boots. A cape was draped over his shoulders. Liam was wearing an emotionless expression. Then I realized something. "You aren't Liam." He smirked.

"Good answer," he said. "Hello m'lady. The names Yayoi."

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