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I walked into the infirmary where Lassie was sleeping. She was still sound asleep. Without making a sound, I slowly made my way over to the chair next to her bed. I sat down. My eyes fell on Lassie's pale face. She looked peaceful in her sleep. A smile formed on my face. I look down at my lap. A small sigh escaped my lips. Not long after a moan came from the bed in front of me. The bed shook at the rustling of lassie's movement. I look up to see lassie facing me. Her eyes were still closed. Slowly they opened. Lassie rubbed her eyes.

"Oh, hey Astaya. What happened?" Lassie asked.

"Oh um...well it's hard to explain," I said. "But I guess I could try to explain it."

~time skip~ (just because I don't want to explain it)

"Oh so that's why I was experiencing that pain," Lassie said. "It's kinda crazy to think that we are tied together by an invisible bond."

"Yeah I actually wanted to come here to ask you something," I said.

"Well then fire away," Lassie said.

"Well I was wondering if you'd like to join me on my journey as my general?" I asked. Lassie's face lit up.

"Really? You'd want me to come with you?" Lassie asks. "Wouldn't I just be a liability?" I give Lassie an are-you-serious look.

"Lassie, I've seen you fight," I said. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you could take down one of the Kings in a no magic fight." Lassie gave me a big smile.

"Oh, I don't think I'm all that," Lassie said blushing slightly.

"Lassie being modest won't change my mind," I said. "So would you like to come with me. I REALLY don't want to be alone with those boys. They are amazing, but I won't be able to handle the fighting and the destruction they will cause."

"Well let me think," Lassie said pretending to think. "Haha, like I need to think twice. Yes I will come. I'll help you deal with the Kings. They are a hand full. Anyways I need to get out of this kingdom. There's only so much I can do in this place." I smile. I held out my hand to Lassie. Sitting up, Lassie grabs my hand firmly. We shake our hands.

"Do you think you'll be able to leave anytime soon?" I asked anxiously wanting to continue on my journey.

"I am feeling better now. Maybe it's because of your quick healing," Lassie said stretching her legs. "I'll be able to leave today. What's with the rush?" I sigh. I just wanted to stop Dante from harming more people. I can't let him do this to anyone else.

"Well, because of the current developments in Dante's plan, we want to gather the Kings as quickly as possible so we may stop him before he gets stronger," I explained. Lassie nods understanding the situation.

"Ok, so when do you want to leave?" Lassie asks.

"We are leaving in an hour, but that depends on Alic's preparation," I said. "So if you can, please be ready to go at any time. I'm going to go check up on the Kings. See you later." I got up from my chair and made my way over to the door.

"Bye," Lassie said with a wave. I waved back and walked out. Now to find the Kings.

~Time Skip~

I walked into the throne room. Alic sat on his throne just finishing up his royal business. He noticed me. Shooing his servants off, Alic looks over at me.

"Oh Astaya are you ready to leave soon?" Alic asks.

"Yes I am I just need to find my stuff. Do you happen to know where they could be?" I ask.

"They are right here," said a voice. My eyes fallowed in the direction the voice came from. There stood Rebecca with my bag. She walks over to me. She hold out my bag to me. "Your bow is in there along with all the books that you requested. I even added a spell that you can use to change your clothes with a snap of your fingers. I just thought that you might need it since you'll be with those immature BOYS," Rebecca said glaring at Alic.

"I don't think Liam would do anything like that," I disagreed.

"I know Liam wouldn't be like that, it's Alic AND Griffin that I'm worried about," Rebecca said.

"Well, thank you Rebecca. I really appreciate it," I said.

"It's not a problem, just make sure Alic doesn't get into any fights along the way," Rebecca said. "Knowing him, there will be fights everywhere he goes." I laugh.

"HEY! I'm not that bad!" Alic said. Rebecca and I laughed. Alic pouts.

"I'm gonna miss you Rebecca," I said.

"And I you," Rebecca said as she pulls me into a hug. "Oh and I would not recommend using any of the black magic spells. Black magic corrupts the user. Please don't use any spells from those books. There's a book with regular spells that you can use. Consider that book a present from me." A smile spread across my face.

"Thank you Rebecca," I said.

"No problem," Rebecca said. We gave each other one last hug. Once we released one another from our embrace, Alic cleared his throat.

"Is Lassie doing alright?" Alic asks.

"She is doing just fine. It seems that Astaya's quick healing also effects Lassie," Rebecca said.

"That's good. What was it you wanted to ask of Lassie?" Alic asks.

"I wanted to know if she'd join me as my general on my journey," I said. "Every monarch needs their general don't you think?" Alic nods.

"It's always good to have someone like that that you can trust," Alic said. The door of the throne room swing open.

"We're ready," said Liam as Griffin nods. I smile.

"Before we leave I need to create the contract between the three of you," I said. Liam and Griffin nod and walk towards me. Alic looked a little confused. "Come over here Alic," I said. Alic gets off of his throne and makes his way over to us.

"Ok Alic I'm gonna need you to promise that you'll protect Astaya with your life," Griffin said.

"I Promise," Alic said. "And I'll try not to cause fights between us."

"So will I," Liam said.

"I will as well," Griffin said. Griffin puts his hand in the centre of the circle. Liam puts his hand over Griffins as Alic fallows. I smile at their kindness towards each other. I place my hand over theirs. The blue and red light sprout from the group of hands as a green light is added. A word begins to repeated in my mind. When we pull our hands away I smile big.

"Loyalty," I said. "You are loyalty, Alic." Alic smirks.

"That suits me," Alic said. "I like it."

"I think it's a little to much," said a voice. Looking back I see Lassie. She wore a green long sleeved shirt that reached her waist with a pair of dark brown pants and light brown boots. "I get that you are loyal to your kingdoms and all but when it comes to people I would call it Clingy," Lassie said grinning. Alic looks at his sister with a sinister smile.

"Says the one who wouldn't let me leave her alone at night," Alic said. Lassie pouts. I giggle.

"Well we better get going," I said. "I wonder what the Orange king of like."

"You'll just have to wait," Liam said.

"He's definitely my least favourite," Alic said.

"Why's that?" I ask.

"You'll see," Griffin said. I was confused with what they were getting at, but I didn't bother to ask more question. Well I guess I'll just have to wait to find out.

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