The Begining of a Grand Jouney

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I pull away from the hug. Liam and Griffin were talking but I blocked them out. Where do I go from here? Where can I find the other kings? What kind of problem will they face? So many questions but no answers.

"Hey Astaya where do you want to go now? You've got two of the seven kings. So now where do we go?" Liam asks.

"I... I don't know. I'm not sure where to go" I state." But I'm thinking we will need supplies for a trip. Where's the next king located?"

"The next king is the King of green, Reice. He lives in a gigantic forest with his people. I'll be hard to get to him so we will need days worth the food" Griffin said." We'll also need your Phoenix on this trip Liam. He'll be a great use to us." Liam nods.

"I'll get my Phoenix ready for tomorrow. We'll leave then. Bring anything you'll need" Liam said walking over to his Phoenix." I'll see you tomorrow." Liam waves farewell. We wave back as he flys off. I turn to Griffin.

"We'll need food and other supplies. Would you be able to supply us with some?" I ask.

"Yes of course. I will be here with everything tomorrow. Now you look tired. You should go pack your things and go to bed" Griffin said. I nod.

"Thank you Griffin I'll do that" I said walking away.

I walk into my room to find my crown on my bed. There was a note on it. It read' Here Astaya I found this in Luther's chambers. I knew it belonged to you so I returned it. Now I know you'll be leaving tomorrow so I decided to come with you. See you then. From Garth.' I was glad that he brought me my crown. I see my bag and put it in there. I take my bag and put it onto the chair next to my bed. I take off my jacket so I was only in my dress. I pull my boots off and set them next to my bed. I pull the covers over my shoulder. The blankets instantly warmed me up. My eyes felt Heavy as I dozed off to sleep.

~Time Skip~

I wake up to the sound of a breeze hitting my window and the heat of the Suns harsh rays. I stretch my arms and yawn. I take the covers off of me and started to get dressed. When I finished I grabbed my bag, my sword, and my boots. I put on my boots before exiting my room. I think Griffin and Liam are already on the roof. I run not wanting to make them wait.

When I reached the roof I say Griffin, Liam, and Garth standing there. Garth notices me.

"That took forever. We should had just woke her up" Garth complains.

"I'm sorry I overslept" I said." I didn't mean to hold back the journey."

"No worries we're just glad you got well rested. I think it's our time to head out" Griffin said. Garth examines the Phoenix.

"I don't think it'll be able to carry all of us" Garth pointed out. Liam smirks as he whistle. The Phoenix grew to a size where there could be ten men in its back. The Phoenix had a saddle that was oval shaped with a rim around it.

"Now load everything up. We need to leave as soon as possible" Liam said grabbing sacks of supplies. We all joined in.

When we finished we all found our spots on the saddle. Liam was on the Phoenix's neck, Griffin was at the back of the saddle, Garth was in the middle, and I sat in the front.

"Hold on" Liam warned as the Phoenix flapped its strong wings. Our journey had begun. This may seem to be such a small part of a big picture that was being painted. It was going to be a long mission but in the end you end up with something beautiful.

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