First day of how they met.

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Third Person point of view

"Troye honey, Please come out the car sweetie. You've seen Ken before, you'll just be meeting his son. Don't be Nervous, come on, hold my hand." Troye's mother spoke. Troye was sitting on the backseat with his legs hanging over the pave street. Laurelle, Troye's mother was holding her hand out to help Troye out of the car and for support. Troye was nibbling on his lip and nervous while hesitating to take his mothers hand. Troye finally took his mothers hand and walked closely to her. He was holding onto the back of his Laurelle's coat and hiding while peeking his head out of her side to see.

They were coming up to the open front door and Ken walks out acting surprised. "OH Where is Troye?! I thought he was here? Oh no, Where could he have gone?" Troye giggled behind his mom and pounced to a surprised/scared Ken. "Aha! You got me! There you are!" Ken said while picking Troye up. Troye giggled and placed his hand all over his face while laughing. Ken then said "Tyler! Tyler! Troye is here, come and say Hi." Troye stopped his hands and simply let them hang down his body as he looked down and tensed up.

"I'm right in the other room. Stop screaming." The little blonde child said as he walked up to his father. Troye spots the walking Tyler, the short blonde child with his arms crossed. Ken reaches down and messed up Tyler's hair as he slowly puts me down. The boy screeched and threw his arms in the air to stop his father. "I just did my hair! It was fabuthous." Tyler screeched. Tyler sometimes has an accent or just slurs words like fabuthous, he sometimes messes up his words. Troye giggled when Tyler messed up his word and how his personally is. Tyler stopped and stared at Troye as if he just noticed him. Troye looked down, his arms behind his back as he messes with his fingers and as he twirled his feet slowly.

"Papa, Who's the adorable kid over there?"Tyler whisper shouted. Troye felt his cheeks burning up as he heard the boy walking towards him. Tyler has known his Papa was dating Laurelle and has gone out with them to get food before and heard about Laurelle's son. Tyler takes in the chocolate haired boy and smiles. Ken spoke up and said "Well Tyler that's Troye-" Tyler cuts him off by screeching "Oh! If it isn't Troye-boy! ". Troye giggles at the nick name and finally looks up to be connected to Tyler's eyes.

Tyler smiled as he stared at Troye and he finally got to see Troye's angeletic face. Laurelle smiles as they seem to be hitting it off nicely. She closed the front door and said "Well, why don't you guys play for a while while me and Ken prepare the barbecue. Oh! and two of your friends will be here in an hour or so." Tyler's face went pink and looked down as Troye giggled as he already knew who was coming.

Laurelle and Ken walked down the hallway into the kitchen and back yard. "Yay *giggles* I can't wait for you to meet Casper! You'll- Tyler? why does your face look like a tomato?" Tyler shook his head and said nothing. He then coughed and said "Oh by the way, I am 7 years old. How old are you?" Troye pouted and muttered "5 in a half." Tyler giggled and took his hand then said "Hey, If you think I won't be your friend just because you aren't the same age as me, I'm offended. Don't make me feel old. You'll still be my friend if I'm yours." Troye smiled and hugged Tyler and said "Thx TyTy, and you're not old, have you seen my grandmother and wrinkles?". They both giggled but still stayed hugging.

They both didn't want to stop hugging and it was making them feel like they might be clingy to the other. They both pulled out of the hug but immediately held hands. They both giggled as they found out the other wanted to hold hands. Tyler then gasped and said "Oi Troye, Wanna see something cool?!" Troye nodded while grinning and Tyler pulled Troye's hand as Tyler ran to his room up the stairs. Tyler closed the door when they were in his room and Troye looked around and admiring Tyler's posters in his room. "Whoa! Is that poster really signed by Lady Gaga?!" Tyler nodded and Troye's jaw dropped. Tyler giggled and pushed his chin up and pointed to his window. Troye scrunched his face in confusion and followed Tyler towards the Window.

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