Moving in all together, Family in progress

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Third person point of view

Troye unstraps his seat belt from his car seat and runs out when the van stopped. A hopping Tyler was running towards the van to meet up with an excited Troye. "TYLAH!" Troye screeches as he runs into an open arm Tyler. Tyler giggled as they both fell down on their butts but they didn't stop hugging. Ken laughs as he walks down the driveway to the street. Laurelle just pouting at how cute they are as Ken grabs her hand and pulls her in for a kiss. "EWW!" the two children yell out while blocking each other's faces.


"WAIT! SO I get to ROOM IN WITH TYLAH KEN?!" Troye jumps up and down on the last step. Ken giggled and picked up Troye and said "Absolutely, if you guy's wanna share a room, go ahead and pick one together." Tyler Ran down the staircase to tug on Troye's foot as he was resting on Ken's hip. "DAD! Give me Troye-boy! We need to pick out a room! You can't hog him to yourself!-" Ken laughed and said "Here ya go, One little brother on the floor coming right up." Ken threw Troye in the air once more and then placed him down in front of Tyler. He rubbed Tyler's head and Troye's before helping his wife bring in the boxes from the van.


"But Troye! This room has a Huge window! We could climb out and hopefully make it our secret spot! We can also put a wooden thing that holds our clothes in so it can hide the window-" Troye giggled and said "Did you mean a dresser? to store undies and socks-" Tyler nodded and said "We should tell Dad if he can build the bunk bed so we can start putting on our cool BLANKETS and ACTION FIGURES!" Troye jumped and nodded rapidly. The two boys ran down the stairs yelling "DAD! CAN YOU PUT OUR BEDS IN! WE WANNA PLAY WITH OUR TOYS AND COOL BLANKETS!" The boys repeating their sentence until they were outside where their parent's were.


"Oh my God-" Troye stated but was cut off by an offended sounding mother "TROYE! WHAT DID WE TALK ABOUT USING GOD'S NAME IN VAIN?!" Troye yelled back "SORRY MOM" Tyler was in a fit of laughter as Troye hit him and told him to stop. "AS I WAS SAYING! This is soooo AWESOME! I can't believe I have the bottom BED! So if we ever get attacked by ninja's or evil queens I'll be able to run out while you stay behind stuck on the top bed-" Tyler whined and said "WHAT did we say about leaving the other behind when there's an evil queen! You're so mean!" The two Disney's know it all started cackling.


"Hey Troye-Boy, Are you awake? Psh Troye Boy!-" Tyler whisper yells as he peeks from the top railings. A groan erupts from a half awaken and confused Troye. He yawned and opened his eyes and saw a peeking Tyler from the top. "Huh? D-Did you wak-" A huge yawn interrupted the sentence. Troye rubbed his eyes and waited for a word. Tyler was nervous and looked scared. "Tr-roye, Can you c-come u-up here, I'm kinda scared.." Troye sleepily nodded and slowly climbed up the small ladder on the side. Tyler peeked out from his blanket as Troye's brown, curly hair came into view. Troye climbed onto the bed and slid right next to Tyler. He just snuggled himself right into Tyler, his head in the crook of Tyler's neck and one hand on Tyler's chest. Tyler's breathing was calmed and relaxed now as he wasn't going to be alone. Troye was trying to say something but it only came out as mumbles. Tyler peeked his head up and whispered "What?" Troye moved his head up so his mouth wasn't blocked by Tyler's neck. "WHy is that the little one is comforting the older one?" Troye said as he giggled. Tyler giggled as well but this time he wrapped an arm around Troye.

That night, was the start of something the will surely build up over the years...


I think this is gonna be the shortest chapter out of the whole story.

Don't worry I might upload the next chapter tomorrow or in a few days. The next chapter won't be short, I PROMISEEEEEE okie until the next chapter.

Bye, adios, Aloha?, Peace, Duces


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