First Kiss/ Bye Troye..

197 15 12

Third person point of view

AGE 12-13

"I-I'm Nervous... Tilly... W-what if I mess up and emba-" Troye rambles. Tyler grabs his waist and places his forehead on his. "Troye. Shh, You'll do amazing. If I know anyone who can make it in a music private school, it's you." Troye bites his bottom lip and says "But, Once I'm nervous I-I won't be able to stop w-worryi-" Tyler leaned forward and pecked Troye's cheek They both didn't move their heads but closed their eyes. Tyler leans back with pink blush on his cheek matching Troye. "Hey, You're not nervous. Go out there and show the judges your angeletic voice. I'll be right there okay, I'll be with mom, dad and look at me if you get nervous okay."

Tyler pecked Troye's cheek and hugged him as the microphone said "Number 18, Number 18 will be next." Tyler rubbed the back of Troye's neck then Troye walk through the door. Tyler then ran towards the exit door to the Theater Audium to wait for Troye. Tyler found his mom and dad in the back of the seats towards the back but, Tyler wanted Troye to be able to see him close up so Tyler made a risky move and sat 3 seats away from the judges up in front. He sat down and waited for Troye to show up; Around 5 more minutes, Number 18 was called up and Tyler practically just stood. Troye walks to the center of the stage looking nervous and stopped in front of a mic. The judges told Troye to introduce himself and Troye gulped and nodded before talking.

"Hi, I'm Troye Sivan 18- I-I mean My name is Troye Sivan and- I would like to sing a song that I wrote m-myself." Tyler giggled and covered his mouth so he wouldn't make a peep. The judges smiled and nodded at him to start.

Troye licks his lips and starts,

I am Tired of this place, I hope people change,

I need time to replace what I gave away,

And my hopes, they are high, I must keep them small,

though I try to resist, I still want it all,

I see swimming pools and living rooms and aeroplanes

I see a little house on the hill and children's names

I see quiet nights poured over ice and Tanqueray

But everything is shattering and it's my mistake

Only fools fall for you, only fools

Only fools do what I do, only fools fall

Only fools fall for you, only fools

Only fools do what I do, only fools fall-

"Okay, That's all, thank you." One of the judges say. Troye gulped, starting to worry as Tyler bit his lip harsh. Troye sang amazingly, and Tyler was ready to yell if they said anything harmful to Troye. The judges quickly whispered and gave each other looks. Tyler was ready to scream 'WHAT?!' and Troye was about to eat his own bottom lip from his nerves. The same judge who stopped him said "Well.. I'm sorry but...... We just couldn't let you wait. We want you to come to our private school, SO pack you're bags for Australia Mate, cause you have an amazing Talent Troye Sivan. You made a risky move by singing a song you wrote yourself instead of singing a popular song, but you killed it. Congrats TroyeSivan18"

Tyler froze, Troye Froze, Their parents looked at each other in guilt. Tyler looked at his parents and he looked heart broken as he knew his parents weren't shocked about the announcement . "Oh-Oh my Gosh! T-Thank you so Much!" Troye boomed and ran off the stage into the backroom. Tyler's eyes started tearing as he ran out the room auditorium. Tyler was streaming of tears by the time he got to the sidewalk outside of the building.He started walking around and saw a Playground up ahead so Tyler decided to run towards the park.

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