Troye's first Break

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Third Person point of view


"Hurry MOM! I wanna see TROYE!!!!-" Tyler yelled as he squirmed in the back seat. Laurelle was currently driving a squirming Tyler. Troye was finally coming back for the first time since he started school. Troye will be visiting his family for a week for thanksgiving and he was currently landing in L.A. Tyler just knew he wanted to smack Troye in the head so hard it spins for leaving without a proper goodbye, But Tyler also wanted to hug his brother and never let him go back. Tyler just wanted to get to the airport as fast as possible but at the same time wanted to be miles away from Troye. Tyler also made a poster for Troye so he could spot it when he arrived. The poster was a shade of blue that Troye loved so much, Tyler also put some fairy lights as a border around the poster to make it bright up.

Tyler also hoped that Troye would take it back to his room in Australia and maybe show it off to his friends. Laurelle was currently now parking and Tyler spoke up "Hey mom, Can you hold the poster instead... I don't think I'm ready to talk to Troye, I'm still really upset..." Laurelle parked the car and sighed as she took the keys out of the ignition. "Ty Honey, Wouldn't you want to give it to him instead? I know you were up late last night just finishing up the poster." Tyler groaned and said "Mom, Please, I at least want to give him the silent treatment as long as I can... I think it's fair." Laurelle shook her head, took off her seat belt and said "Okay Sweetie, Whatever you say, But Try to at least to make it till the morning if you want it to be fair, and between you and me... He'll probably try to sneak into your bed during the night, so make sure to shove him off when you feel he's almost asleep. shh... I told you nothing. Now let's go and pick up the little creature."

Tyler was giggling and nodding with Laurelle as he unbuckled his seat belt and slipped out the car. They both talk about a plan for Dinner just in case anything back fires. By the time they were at the 'passenger pick up' sign, They both agreed that if Tyler scratched his nose three times Laurelle would help him out. They wanted to make sure Troye felt frustrated, and Laurelle was Tyler's backup.

Tyler sighed and cough trying to act like he didn't want to be there. Tyler pressed the button so the fairy lights blinked and handed it to Laurelle to hold it up. Tyler was biting the inside of his cheek, 'It's been a couple months, What if he looks completely different?- no, I skyped him a couple days ago, he looked fine.. WHat if he just didn't care?- He sent me a teddy bear from Perth Australia.. 'Tyler started thinking about how he just wanted to hold him when they went to bed... WEAK! Tyler fought with himself. He was really upset so he was determined to at least frustrate Troye. He was also really Jealous with Troye's friend named'Joe' Tyler was now glaring at the floor by just his thoughts but then a cough from his side and a nudge got Tyler's attention back.

Laurelle coughed and nudged Tyler, signalling she spotted him. The next thing he knew their was a piercing scream and was expecting him to scream 'mom and Ty' but he wasn't expecting him to blown out just call directly to him... "T-TILLY!!!!" Tyler's cheek redden and tried not to snap up and run towards him. He tried so hard not to and instead look up but just to get knocked down. 'oof' "T-Tilly! I missed YOU!" Troye was sitting on his thigh and had his face snuggled into his neck. Tyler wanted so much to wrap his arms around him and just kiss him.

But he didn't, he made sure his arms stayed to his sides. Troye sniffled and then looked up and asked "T-Tilly?" Tyler gulped and said "Hey lil bro, glad you got here safe." He tried to just throw a tiny smile. Troye looked puzzled then looked behind him to stare at him mom.

Troye saw his mom walking towards his bag he threw down when he ran to Tyler. Troye smirked and looked back at Tyler and made sure his face was close up to his. Tyler made sure he didn't look nervous but just kept an unamused face. Troye glared at Tyler and said "Are You really still mad at me?!" Tyler rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulder as he managed to get up from under Troye and walk towards his mom. Troye was left on his knees, mouth open and confusion left on his face.

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