Nicknames were born

178 12 13

Third person point of view


Ages 8-9

"Hey Boys! Are you ready to go? Your mother is in the car with the picnic baskets and we're waiting for you two to come down already!" Ken shouts from down the stairs. Two curious boy heads popped out from the corner and yelled "COMING!" in sync.

Troye was wearing a shirt with those attachable capes that go on the back and Tyler was helping him put it on. Once it was on, Troye smirked evilly and said "LAST ONE DOWN IS A ROTTEN EGG!" Troye blasted out of the room as a groaning Tyler tried to yank him back. Troye shot out of the open front door, climbed into the car and locked the door while panting. Laurelle chuckled and whispered "Hey, Did you win?" Troye giggled and nodded."Well then, We should lock both of them out for losing." Laurelle clicked the lock button in the car and tried to act like she was reading a magazine. Troye had his eyes peeking out but his head was ducked under.

Ken pouted after pulling the cars door a few times and a giggling Troye started waving. Tyler was with Ken now and they started whispering. Troye tried to press his ears to the glass but it didn't help because he could only hear muffled voices. Then Ken and Tyler looked up at Laurelle with puppy faces and sticking their bottom lip out in a pout. Troye then pouts and looks at his mom to secretly tell her to unlock the doors. Laurelle chuckles and lets the two boys in. Tyler immediately pounced at Troye when he got in the backseat. Tyler started tickling Troye for Revenge and Troye was giggling and saying "I won fair and square-" Troye was laughing now and trying to Swat Tyler's hands away. Tyler pulled back when Laurelle told them to put their seat belts.

Troye was catching his breath but Tyler reached across the middle and jabbed his pointer finger into his side and Troye squealed and whined. Tyler laughed and was happy with his revenge, Tyler hates when Other people try to tickle Troye because he knows it makes Troye uneasy. Also Tyler wants to always be able to use it against Troye. The car ride was about half an hour and consisted of everyone singing to the songs on the radio and laughing. Ken wanted to go to this park 30 minutes away because they heard it has a lake and they have big trees, perfect to sit under with a picnic perfect.

Tyler was playing on his Gameboy and was currently beating an underwater level on Mario. Troye already passed the whole game in under 3 weeks and it was Tyler's turn to play and so far he's only halfway finished in his second week of playing. Troye was looking out the window and enjoying the calmness outside. They live in a very peaceful little town but they love it.

Troye soon saw a Lake coming into view and gasped. "WAIT! This Park has a Lake?! OH MY GO-" "Troye." Laurelle warned. "I meant Gosh."  Troye coughed and looked out the window. Troye looks to his side to see Tyler sighing and he peeks to see what level he could be at. Troye saw he was struggling in the underwater level and snickered. "Try going under instead of over and try to avoid killing the piranhas  because every time you kill one makes the Boss come closer to you." Tyler made a 'ohhh' sound and Troye chuckled as Tyler restarted the game and taking Troye's tips. Ken was driving into the parking lot and was pretty excited to see that their wasn't a lot of people at the Park. Ken parked the Car while Laurelle picked up the basket. Troye tugging and whining at Tyler to get out the car to see the Lake. Tyler sighed and turned off the Gameboy and slid it in the car pocket in front of him.

Troye smiled and pushed him out the car door. Troye ran towards the Lake first and stared in Awe as the sun reflected from it. "OH MY GOD! THERE ARE FREAKING GOOSE'S AND DUCKS! TY!" Troye was jumping up and down and probably scaring the goose that was close to him. Laurelle then shouted "I didn't hear anything." Troye's eyes widen and was going to apologize but it's better not too if she said 'she didn't hear anything'. Tyler was coming into view and looked at Troye jumping and smiling. Tyler smiled and walked next to him "Ty! There's a goose family! LOOK AT THE BABIES! AWEEE!" Tyler smiled warmly and said "I heard the babies are really soft." Troye's eyes were focused on the babies and an idea was popping up in his head. Troye wasn't able to tell Tyler because their mom called them to eat lunch first.

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