Troye's First Month

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Third Person point of View

Troye saw a sign with "Troye Sivan Oakley" held by a confused looking woman. Troye walked up to them with his two luggage's in hand and said "Hello, Are you from the Music Boarding school-" He was cut off my a jumping woman "Oh Troye! Awe Look at you, you look so adorable! Oh- I- This is Joe, Joe Sugg, He will be your guide for the next 2 years and your roommate. So let's head to campus, shall we boys." The Woman stepped aside to reveal a confused boy chewing gum, his hands shoved in his front pockets and nodding at Troye. Troye smiled and give him a nod back.

The woman started walking and Troye followed behind her, as well as the Joe kid. They got to the taxi and the Woman took Troye's luggage's and put them in the back. Troye thanked her and sat in the back of the Taxi with the Joe kid.

The first 10 minutes were painfully awkward in silence. Joe sighed loudly next to Troye and said "This is bloody uncomfortable! Oi Mate, where you from? Judging by you're accent, you're not fully american, are you?" Troye sighed in relief that Joe broke the silent. "I'm coming from Hollywood, California, and you're close, I was born in south Africa but then moved to America with my mum." Joe was nodding and let out an 'ahh' sound. Troye laughed as Joe made jokes about campus and stories. Troye got to know Joe and found out Joe was from London, He had a sister on campus with him, He's been in the special boarding school for 3 years so far, and that Joe likes being active.

Joe started giving Troye tips about the rooms they're going to have to share and also convincing him if Joe can have the Bed farther away from the window. Troye didn't really care because they could get blinds and he actually like looking outside.


"Troye Sivan?" an old teacher repeated. Troye raised his hand and said "Present" The old man nodded and checked the box on his clipboard. Troye sighed and then felt a ball of paper hit his head followed by giggles. Troye turned around and said "Nash Quit it!" but only to be thrown off the chair by a blonde girl named Lele. Lele got in Troye's face, snared then rolled her eyes to say 'it was worthless to waste me time'. Troye was fed up with these two. Already in the second week and he's already a loser, Troye thought to himself. "Mr. Cantu, Nash and Blondie are messing with Troye again!" Joe yelled from the back. "Hey! It's LELE! and stop being such a tattle tale you ass-" Mr.Cantu paused her before she could finish her sentence and sent them to the dean's office for the second time this week.

Troye sighed in relief as the bell rang the last time for the day. Joe waited for Troye to pack his things into his backpack so they could head out to their room. Troye thanked Joe once again and Joe just shrugged it and gave him a kindhearted smile. It was Troye's second Friday and groaned as he remembered he has to Skype his family. Joe changed into a sporty outfit and invited Troye if he would want to play football with his friends. Troye told Joe it was Friday and that he had to Skype them in less than 10 minutes, Joe understood and left. Troye quickly slipped out of his uniform into the nearest jumper and sweats. He turned on his laptop and waited for Skype to pop up.

He grabbed a bottle of Nutella and sat on his bed waiting for the familiar ring to go off, no more than 5 minutes passed that the ring went off. Troye clicked accept and smiled. He saw Tyler place the laptop in front of my parents and then he announced he'll be in his room. Troye yelled Tyler's name but he was probably already upstairs. I groan and said "How can he still be upset with me? He should understand why I didn't say bye to him-" His mom cut him off and said "Yes sweetie, he does but you didn't think that it would hurt him Tok." Troye sighed and nodded weakly at the laptop.

Troye's parents asked him how was his week and asking if he met new friends. Troye had a 30 minute conversation with his parents then asked them if they could hand him over to Tyler. Laurelle nodded and picked up the laptop and walked upstairs towards Tyler and my room. "Tyler sweetie, please talk to troye just for a bi-" Laurelle said as she knocked. Tyler cut her off and said "I don't wanna talk to him Mom!" Laurelle just opened the door and placed the laptop on the desk in the middle of the room and left the room. Troye was able to see the whole room and where Tyler was. Tyler was on Troye's Bed with his knees up and Tyler's head on his knee. Troye sighed at the sight and thought of what to start with.

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