thingy before u read

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I'm going to be going to Canada and GERMANY!to my Aunt cause I haven't seen her in a year and like I miss her so much. She lives in Canada so I'll be there for two weeks and then two weeks in Germany!
But like, I really wanna do this Fanfic and I know for sure I won't be able to finish this or the others if I only do it in summer.

So I'm starting this in November, YES NOVEMBER!

So I'll probably already have more than quarter  {I swear it's hella long} of the story completed when I upload this. But like I could be wrong and this would probably be like a 18 or like 60 chapter long fanfic but who knows!
I'm like super happy to introduce this new fanfic. I have been wanting to start this idea a little over a year. I'm always a bit insecure about my writing and well i just decided #Yolo Fuck it.

it's going to be a step-brother incest AU. -means Troye boi and Tylah are gonna be step-brothers! I'm trying a new kind of writing and how this Story is gonna be read. I'm super EXCITED!

Okay... I feel super bad just posting this and you guys are gonna have to wait a few months for the Fic to actually come out so.... If I get enough comments and views, I'll see if I can give u a chapter each month so the month I go to Germany I'll upload like 2 or 3 chapters a week! So it's up to you guys if u wanna wait till like June or if u want me to give u 1 or 2 chapters a month!
And I promise that dis ain't short. That's why I have more than 8 chapters in 6 months cause the chapters are long so far.

When you read this, I already have done more than 8 chapters/Sections for this book! I know I probably annoy you guys when i'm saying Excited but...

I'M SO FUCKING EXCITED! I hope U r too!!


-Look forward to fluffy cuddly mini size troyler!

-for cheeky bum sec!

-Jealous and protective older brother Ty (hehe)


so Warnings/Triggers for this fic would be

Smut 4 sure

suicidal thoughts and self harm

underage drinking

smoking of young age



If I add more I'll make sure to put it up before the chapter starts but yea okie.

I'm so excitedddddddd

let's go dis.




ducessssssssssss <3

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