Sadstuck Eridan/Sollux X reader

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((An: I know I haven't updated in a couple months. This is a one shot with my favorite song by Icon for Hire. Also I'm only using the first verse and chorus because the rest is a little long.))
I can't help but close my eyes, and dream for life, and dream a different ending

It hurt badly. He left you for a princes. You thought he actually loved you enough to move on. But he didn't.

That when I wake I won't be so exhausted, and stop my pretending, That I'm fine, I'm fine if I can fool myself tonight

He was with her. He smiled brightly after all you suppose Feferi was the better matesprit.

My lie will drown out all of your

It took months upon months until you realized he used you. He used you to ease the pain. Not because he loved you. It stung, badly, as if he took a chunk of your heart with him. So you vowed never to do the same.

I will not bend until I break, how much can one bruised body take

Weeks had gone by since you've made the realization. You've tried to move on, but you just couldn't. That isn't until he asked you out for coffee.

Just not enough to silence me, our only a memory

Sollux Captor. Two months after he asked you out for coffee he asked you to be his matesprit.

I'll scream these words 'til they come true, then I will think no more of you

Then that's when you realized this was true love. Not the kind Eridan would ever show you. You loved Sollux for who he was. You never compared him to Eridan because he was so much more. He loved you for you.

Look back on what I'm going through
This isn't my identity

Eridan was only a memory.

((An: I really hope this is good I feel like I've been neglecting my work. I just got inspiration from the mime show that I'm doing tech for. So I hope you enjoyed and I know only probably held the readers will actually read this but if you want to request a reader insert they're still open love you guys thanks so much))

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