Rufioh X Aquariumstuck!reader

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The aquarium opens at 6am and closes at 10pm. You stay at the aquarium 24/7. They're bringing in a new guy to take care of you. His name is Rufioh Nitram. His little brother has worked here for a year or more now. It's always hard to tell how long each worker has been here. Well enough of current events let's tell your past.

*flash back noises*
(pfftthahaha no ●-●)

Today was a lovely day to be swimming. Your family was having a free day with nothing to do. You were swimming together and found and beautiful reef with colorful plants and creatures roaming about.

Hanging out by yourself in your own little section of the reef enjoying the silence and calm of the beautiful colors coming together. All too soon it ended with a BANG.

You desperately trying to escape the commotion was shot in the shoulder. You managed to drag yourself away from the danger into a small pocket of the reef. You fell unconscious and soon woke up to the sounds of a...flying machine?

You knew your family was caught by hunters their blood and your own staining the beautiful corrals and making them less of a joyful color. You heard a splash and felt yourself being picked up.

It stung horribly. You eventually passed out from the blood loss. Leaving the vibrant colors of the massacre behind you.

~present time~

Most of your memory is fuzzy but you can still see the reef massacre behind your eyelids. It will remain there for as long as you remember it. 

Anyway the aquarium is about to open. The morning workers are moving tank to tank preparing the food and rationing it out. You wait patiently for the food to be dropped into the tank and savor each taste.

Even though this meal is everyday food it's still food and you'll savor it. You usually just swim around and show off. In between visits you rest, and sometimes a passage connected to a large tank is opened and you can show off with the others the show runners have invited.

Some days you get special training for a show just for you and maybe other creatures they think would fit the other parts. And other days you get a one on one with the doctors and therapist. Nothings wrong with you every other creature in the aquarium goes to them to. It's to make sure we are happy and healthy living in a place like this.

Also when a creature gets a new care taker and show performer to be they always do a one on one to make sure they are a good match and won't cause problems with each other.

Today's your one on one with Rufioh. Never met the guy but his brother is gentle sweet kind and innocent.

After eating you go to lie down waiting for the passage to open. You always get the big tank to have a one on one. It's so that they can swim with you and move around with you rather than not being able to be in contact with you.

You were thinking about different things when your eyelids began to slip eventually falling, and as you drifted off into a light sleep a loud buzzing noise alerted you. The passage was open.

You got up and stretched swimming into the larger tank. Swimming up to where this man with spiky red hair was warming up.

You silently watched, evaluating his every move. He was definitely interesting. Not just his hair, but his personality was interestingly almost completely opposite of his brothers.

You listened to his conversation with the lady named Porim. She was the receptionist and was the one who delt with all the filing and paper work; she organized almost every project the aquarium has done.

He flirted with her, and he was a little boisterous. She quickly got to business with him. This is the sixth new trainer they've brought in and not the first to flirt with her. She was basically a pro at avoiding the flirtatious behavior.

She advetually left so I swam up slowly seeing if he'd notice me.

Apparently not yet. He looked around with his face contorted into confusion. So I swam up to him. His eyes widened. He smiled warmly and introduced himself. "Hey doll, my names Rufioh. What might your name be?"

You told him your name confidently. You despised being nervous around new people. Basically testing them to see their reactions, but not taking it over the top.

He eventually slipped into the tank with you and began to try some Bonding routines. An assortment of tricks performed with each other and separately. Showing each other what they were capable of. By the end of the day the both of you were exhausted. The both of you sat on the platform used for the humans to walk on and see the crowd. Essentially the stage. You fell asleep on him. Being the gentleman he really was he layed let you lay on his lap until you woke up.

Maybe this won't be like the other trainers. He actually seems to enjoy what he's doing, and he definitely cares.

An: so sorry! It is sooooooooooo late. A lot of things started popping up but I promised I would do the. So I did it ASAP and I'm to lazy to read through and correct it. So enjoy it~

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