aquariumstuck Cronus X reader (1)

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Your POV:

You woke up to the sounds of birds chirping. 'Damn it, you woke up late, Again!?' You rushed to get up and slip out of your pajamas and into work clothes. 'Damn I'm so late I'll have to get breakfast at work.' You rushed to your car and drove to work. Some people say you have a cool job. Working with animals that are injured? Not the most enjoyable thing. You get to work and hop out of your car and speed walk to get inside. Your greeted with a very angry Doc Scratch the owner of the aquarium. "(Y/n), this is the second time you've been late. The next time I'll have to find someone else to replace you." You knew he wasn't being serious about the replacement part, but it'd still be wise on your part to make a better effort. 

Le time skip brought to you by docs awful threats

You continued to talk to your boss for a few moments when you were shoved out of the way. You followed closely have been called into the department "under construction" you keep getting peaks of what they're carrying. It has a long tail and wings. A manta?! Those are endangered! You shove through the crowd and ran along side the thing they were carrying him on. Minor injuries to the head and fatigue. He'll be a fun one to work with. I hope he'll remember his life before. You run to your office. You gather your clip board and pens and walk into the room waiting for him to wake up.

Le time skip~

Once he wakes up you check his vitals and talk to him to see what sort of state he's in. His name is Cronus Ampora. That's all he remembers besides having a brother and a father. Later you have him transported to a tank and go to check on how the others were doing. After you check on him again your informed that you'll be taking care of Cronus until he gets better.

((An: ok sorry it took so long. I just didn't want mistakes or something inaccurate to appear and make you guys hate me :3 also there are going to be more parts because I do not feel finished with this and want to get it out to you guys I'll start part 2 after I start my erisol fic))

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