welp I haven't updated in a while...(A!Cronus X reader (2))

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Your POV

You made a better effort to be on time when you get to work. After all you have a endangered aquatic creature to take care of. Speaking of which. Is that your alarm going off?

Indeed it is you better get up. You get up slipping on your work clothes and stop at the chocolate store. You walk out with two full bags and dump them into the car and begin your drive to work.

Doc is more pleased with you now because you finally start showing up to work on time. You take the bags with you to your desk and drop them there grabbing a chocolate cigarette. Yes a chocolate cigarette. (They are good!~) Then walk out of your office with your clip board and other supplies.

You get funny looks from a few people until they realize it's chocolate. As you get to the "under construction" area you grab a cup of coffee. You begin your trek to the sea dwellers tank and begin to set your things down on a table provided for you.

Today's going to be a long day you can already tell. You grab a latter and set it up to the tank. Cronus' breakfast in hand.

You open the hatch and call for him. You see the sand at the bottom shift ever so slightly and call again but much louder this time.

Cronus eventually makes his way to the opening you check some of his vitals and give him the food. "Hey, vwhat do you have there?" He asks and points to the chocolate you've managed to keep in your mouth the entire time. "Oh, this? It's a called a chocolate cigarette but it's basically rolled up chocolate," you smiled starting a nice conversation.

"So, how long vwill you be takin' care of me?" You stop to think of an answer not really sure yourself. "However long it takes for you to feel better, right now your my first priority," He smirks and wiggles his eyebrows at you. Then swims back down to the bottom of his tank.

You roll your eyes and go back down to the table that you got your stuff set on and start to work on paperwork. You stopped throughout the day to feed Cronus and stretch your legs but that's about all that happened until close time.

As soon as it was time to close up you got up and started turning out lights. When you turned out the light in Cronus' tank you saw something you almost couldn't describe.

He was laying down in the sand. His wings stretched out and glowing specs of vibrant violet freckles, swirls, and patterns placed beautifully were displayed among them. You stood there in awe for a couple of minutes until he winked at you and emediatly snapped out of it and finished up closing.

(An: will do a part 3 when I feel up to it. Sorry if there's any errors I may have made. I did a quick run through of proof reading it.)

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