Chapter 12

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*uhm hi i just accidentally posted this earlier when it wasn't done. if you read it already i apologize and completely understand if you dont want to read it again but here's your explanation to why %30 of the chapter was missing *

*Stevie POV*

I woke up with Ally's arms wrapped around me. It was nice to know she was there. I felt her move around a bit indicating that she was waking up. "Hi pretty." I said softly, turning around to face her. "Hi.." Ally said back in a raspy morning voice, smiling softly. She swallowed before talking again. "You wanna check under your pillow?" She told me. I was a bit confused but I did it anyway. I felt a note was tucked under there which made me smile. "What's this?" I asked her, still smiling. "Open it." Ally said as she sat up from the bed. What I read made me tear up.
"You're the best." I told her, giving her a soft kiss. She looked at me and smiled for a second before getting up.

"You wanna go out today?" Ally asked me as she tied her hair into a bun. "Of course, Penguin." I told her. "Anything you want."

"I want to take you out on a date." She continued. I smiled at her innocence. "Take me to brunch." I suggested and she came back over to the bed and gave me a peck. "Anything you want." 

*Ally POV*

As soon as Stevie was ready we headed off to WeHo. We wore comfortable clothes. I wore my usual black outfit with some necklaces, a hat, and a bandana on the wrist to top it all off while Stevie wore barely any makeup, joggers, and my white shirt. I admit that I was slightly sad to see she wore that shirt better than me but at the same time I was damn happy about it. She looked good.


"I'm gonna go to the bathroom." Stevie told me as she got up and gave me a peck. "Go make friends." She whispered in my ear. Before I could say anything she was already gone. I guess she was bored, I didn't blame her though, the conversation that we were having was forced and boring and being in The Abbey for a casual, one on one brunch date may have been a terrible idea.

I grabbed our stuff and went over to the bar. Immediately I felt eyes on me. After a while I still felt them so I decided to look around the room in the least awkward way I could to see if someone really was staring at me or if it was just my imagination. "Alright then." I thought to myself. As soon as I turned back around I saw a girl sitting next to me, looking at me with an oddly disturbing smile. Soon, I realized it was Spags. "What the fuck, Spags." I told her, putting my hand on my chest to feel my heartrate. "What's up." She laughed. I rolled my eyes but then laughed myself. "What's going on with you and Stevie?" She asked in a curious and mischievous tone. "What?" I asked back in a very confused manner. Where has she gotten the idea that something was up with Stevie and I? Ali looked at me with a just as confused of a face. "I saw her walking to the bathroom and she seemed really bothered." She shook her head and took a sip from her drink. "Maybe it was just my imagination, I need to go back now. See you later?" Spags continued. I nodded, still confused.

Still on the process of processing what I was just told, I got up to check on Stevie.

*Stevie POV*

I cannot believe what just happened. After all these years, he still has an effect on me. I was mad at myself, not him. He was my highschool boyfriend, he swept me off my feet and I loved him to death. I'm angry that I got tense at the fact that he's coming to LA, not him coming here in general. There's no bad blood between us; if anything, we'd still talk like we were best friends once we see each other face to face  again and I had no doubt about that. I pushed the thoughts aside remembering where I was. As soon as I walked out, I bumped into Ally. She grabbed my shoulder and scanned me. "You okay?" I asked her confused. "Yeah." She hesitated to say. I rubbed it off since I didn't want this to be a shithole of a day. "Let's hangout." I suggested, and led her to the bar.

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