Chapter four An unexpected fall out

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"MINZY! MINZY WAKE UP! " it was 8:00 am on a Saturday and Stefon was bouncing on my bed to wake me up, thanks friend! haha. "ALRIGHT! I AM AWAKE OK! Its 8:00 am why wake me up like that on  weekend! that should be illegal!" we both laughed but I wasn't kidding I was happily dreaming about him, my mysterious love who of which goes to my school! how cool is that! I honestly have never said this once but I actually cannot wait to go to school on Monday he is going to be there hehe I never felt so giddy with joy. "Minzy hello!" Stef was now waving his hand in my face, I must have been daydreaming oops. I snapped out of it and told him what happened. "GUESS WHAT!" I yelled excitedly I laughed when I saw the look of shock as I had yelled that from out of no where. "Hm getting your nails done?" I giggled "Nope" he thought again "OK this is too much effort what is it?" I laughed he always said that it was so typical of men to be so lazy. "I met this gorgeous boy yesterday at a shop with mum and dad and he actually likes me! OH THAT ISN'T EVEN THE BEST PART! HE GOES TO OUR SCHOOL! Well the fact he likes me is the best part but you know" I couldn't help grinning but I soon stopped when a look of horror suddenly came across his face, that is strange he usually doesn't do that.

"So you meet this complete stranger gave him your number and now you like him and only just found out he goes to our school? DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH DANGER YOU COULD OF BEEN IN IF HE WAS SOME PHYSCO?" I felt a tear come as he finished yelling at me, this isn't usually what he does when I tell him I found a guy who likes me he is really pleased for me normally and trust me finding a guy that is interested in me is very rare mind you, they are mostly after this popular girl called Haley the guys think she is some sort of goddess but Stef is the only guy who hasn't been lured in by her charms and I admire him for actually seeing that she wears way too much make up and shows herself off too much. "I,I thought you would be happy for me..." I burst into tears and soon found Stefon had his arms around me "I'm sorry Minzy, I just don't want you to get hurt is all I love, care about you too much for bad things to happen to my best mate" he broke the hug and wiped away the remaining tears and I couldn't help but smile, hehe he thinks Ididn't hear what he said before he corrected it to care, oh but I heard perfectly clear what he said before that. Oh well I wont embarrass him.

"Well lets go downstairs and have pancakes for breakfast, I am excellent at making them why mum even says I..." and he paused right there tears trying to come out but he forced them back I could see how hard it is for him losing his parents, I hugged him and let him sort himself out before taking his hand and leading him to the kitchen. "Well lets see how good your pancakes are then I dare ya to impress me!" I winked and we both laughed it put a smile back on his face and that's all I cared about. He made up some batter and cooked it flipping it so professionally that I couldn't help but say he was a show off! he grinned as I teased him and he gave me the first one I got out some nutella chocolate spread and caked the whole thing with it and ate it, "OMG! THIS TASTES AMAZING!" I said with my mouth half full. He laughed and passed me a kitchen towel "Wipe your face its going all down your pj's" I nearly choked on my pancake laughing when I saw I had a massive chocolate stain on my chest, "You naughty boy looking at that part of me I feel a bit perved on!" I put my hands on my hips and a failed frown on my face he nearly dropped his plate laughing at how ridiculous I looked trying to frown but Honestly can't I am very bad at frowning I end up smiling evilly.

"You might want to go change then Minzy I will clean up the plates and check on ya in a sec babe,"  He picked up the plates and carried them into the kitchen and started filling the sink, I ran upstairs and went into my room I have pink wall paper with delicate silver flowers on, this covers one of the walls in my room, the others are a really pale pink (baby pink basically) and my bed covers are white with silver hemming and covering it is a grey fluffy blanket I have a big window that has a huge silver curtain tied back out of the way showing a white voile with silver sparkly dots all over it. there is a shelve to the right of that it is white and is three shelves tall that's where I keep the crystals I either grow or buy. and on the wall next to it there is another shelf in the middle of the wall that is the same as the other shelf but I keep my make up, jewelery and hair bands stuff like that on this one and below that is my computer I use it mainly to go on facebook and chat to Stefon but seeing as he lives here I doubt I will go on it much and also I use it to do my never ending amounts of homework *sighs*. to the right of that is a huge five door cupboard with three draws that I keep all my clothes and stuff for making things with inside its white with silver handles (I guess you can see the theme here x).

I walked over to my cupboards and got out my favourites floaty sleeved purple dress (its a casual everyday one) and I wear my sparkly black leggings with that, I add my silver necklace with purples studs on it and I put on the Pandora bracelet my mum got me, its my most treasured accessory and I put on some subtle foundation and very gentle pink blusher and put one layer of mascara on and added a little bit of lip gloss I do like to cake myself with make up that would just look slutty and tarty and I don't want to be that kind of person. I was just about to leave my room when Stefon came in and was holding something behind his back "Stefon what have you got there?" I asked very curious as to why he is hiding something from me. He says "It's a early/late birthday present because I forgot to get you your present this year and I coudn't wait for February next year to git this little guy to you." Then he presented me with a bow covered in pink satin and tied with a purple bow the lid had some breathing holes in it so I assumed he got me some kind of animal as I untied the bow and took the lid off I couldn't help what came out my mouth next "Awe! its so cute! hello little puppy" I gently scooped it up and lifted it delicately out of the box, this dog was a Yorkshire terrier pup and it was so tiny! it had ginger heart shaped patch on its head and had gorgeous blue eyes, I checked what gender it was and it was a girl. 

"I found her on the street with its siblings and mother though mum was injured so I took them to a nearby vet and the mum is being treated and they said it was old enough to be given to someone, they gave it all its shots free of charge so you don't have to worry about getting its injections done and I found homes for the rest of the little ones this was a month ago so I took care of it until it was able to go onto solid food then when mum and dad went out that night and never came back I decided as a present for taking me in I would give her to you..." before he had a chance to say anything else I got up cradling the puppy in my arms and hugging him carefully so I didn't squish the little thing and thanked him. "What should I call her? hm..." I thought for a moment "How about you call her Meela?" I smiled that was his mum's name and it fitted her perfectly, "I think that's a great name, well Meela how about you come meet my mum and dad we shall wake them up because they are still in bed despite it being 10am!" me and Stefon laughed and I went to show my parents the newest additon to our family, I had the greatest friend in the world.

The complicated life of Amina ***WATTY AWARDS 2012***Where stories live. Discover now