Chapter eight Persistent pest

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"WHAT ARE YOU HERE FOR!"I yelled at Mr Swallows I swear this is invasion of personal info if he knows where I live..."No time for talk" and then he gagged me, put a bag over my head and tied my hands together I felt myself being picked up when I heard a shout and I fell to the ground, only the ground was soft and smelled like a car, hang on i'm in a car, Mr Swallow's car! "Oh god someone help me!" But all that came out was a muffled scream the gag made it hard to yell out in distress I thrashed about desperately managing to shake the gag from my mouth, still had the bag on my head but thankfully I could breathe better now. Mr Swallows got in the car and started the engine, he drove out of the drive way and five minutes later the bag was taken off of my head, I didn't recognise where we were but certainly wasn't somewhere I had been before. He got out the car, opened my door and carried me inside what i think is his house, but then I was suddenly dropped I looked to see what happened to find a glossy blonde white wolf on top of my teacher.


I sensed something wasn't right when Amina went to answer the door I heard her yelling at someone I could easily ientify their scent, Mr Swallows? why is he visiting Amina's house we didn't have maths last thing so he couldn't be here to tell her off for skipping the last bit of school. I left Stefon who was engrossed in the TV watching Bear grills I thought to myself as I left the room "What a fake!" I could hear Amin's thoughts she was in a car? HIS CAR! "don't worry Amina i'm coming" I muttered as I quietly left the house shutting the door cautiosly and I took my clothes off and tied them round my leg (It's the only way to keep them and not have them ripped) and I pursued the car I only just caught sight of it going round the corner and I had everyone bit of steely determination to not lose his car.

I had amazing speed I never get tired from running because I was raised to endure great distances due to evil things out there, sometimes we were informed to destroy creatures like vampires, witches (bad of course) and deal with rogue werewolves. Anyway I keep following til it suddenly pull's in to a close I take this as a chance to hide till I confirm he has her. Seeing Amina held in his arm's my domniance kicked and I pounced on him knocking my angel out of his grasp I quickly leapt under her and made her fall more gently then I was on top of him in a split second growling fiercly. I grunted in amusement because he was sweating with fright, he beeter be he took my girl! I lifted a paw threatening him with it, then two arms came around my neck and I knew it was her because the electrical surgeo of her skin making contact with mine was instantly obvious.

I turned my head to nuzzle her enderly then I swiped at his our teachers head knocking him out, I howled in glory and I crawled away. Amina walking beside me I kept close to her then I found a bush and shifted bakc to my human form to hug her "Amina! You alright baby cakes?" I pushed her back slightly to check her over, I noticed her bonds and undid them, "Thank you they were hurting slightly" I kissed where the red burns were from the tie sir used to keep her hands together. I stopped to look her in the eyes before changing in to my wolf I indicated to her to get on my back, I waited for her to frimly hold on to my fur then I took off speeding at 100 miles and hour and increasing.

*Amina's pov*

I giggled enjoying the feeling of the air brushing through my hair and whipping my cheeks god was this boy fast! he howled and sped up making me almost slide off his back he must of noticed because he slowed slightly and turned his head for a split second to see i was still holding on then focused on the road infront of us. I couldn't help but worry about Stefon though we left him alone with mum and he wouldn't know what to say if mum asked where I was...maybe I should text I can't tell anyone about Flynn that might end badly. whilst pondering on my thoughts I hadn't notcied we were home and Flynn was waiting for me to get off him before he changed, I quickly climbed off him, werewolves are huge! Then he transformied and quickly threw his clothes back on I made sure I didn't look (well might of galnced at him here and there x). He took my hand and we quickly snuck back in just in time to get to the lounge when mum announced dinner was ready. I skipped to the dining room with Flynn following closely I saw Stef was already sat down and wasn't making eye contact with anyone.

Mum carried in the food, and it looked delicious! chicken in corma indian sauce, rice, pop adom's and nan bread, may i just say nom nom! I love mum's cooking its always amazing. The food was soon eaten and Flynn recieved a call from his mum, he just listened then said goodbye and hung up. "Mum says she's is gonna be out of town a few days and asks me to find a friend to stay with," Mum looked at dad and dad nodded to her she looked at me and gestured that it would be fine to stay with us.

"Well you could stay here with us if you like? my parents wont mind," his face lit up and he eagerly nodded. "I will just get mum to bring over everything I need where should I sleep?" Mum whispered into my ear and I thought that him being in Stefon's room might end in disaser so I will agree to him staying there then once the parent's have checked us and think we are asleep he could come into my room. "Mum thinks you should be in Stefon's room" Flynn showed uncertainty in his eyes but I thought my plan through in my head to see him wink, I think he knew what I was up to.

"OK i don't mind that is if Stefon's does not mind me sharing rooms with him?" stefon reluctantly agreed to it and soon the doorbell went this time Flynn went to answer it, I think he didn't want to risk Mr Swallows abduct me. He came back threw the hallway with his massive bag of school clothes and books and other stuff only he would know about. Stefon got up stiffy smiling and showing him to the room he was sharing. Mum did the wshing up and served sorbet which is mainly flavoured water frozenits like a more solid form of icecream and lush!

Me and the boy's headed upstairs to get ready for bed I went into my room and was about to start getting changed when someone came in the room I turned to see my cheeky boyfriend staring at me in my underwear, "Haven't you heard of knocking? its where you tap the door to ask permission to come in," I said it slowly in a 'are you dumb type fashion. he laughed "Have you heard of shocklingly gorgeous?, its called Amina" he copied my tone of voice and pace, I blushed and reahced for my pj's I put on my shorts and strappy top, it is a hot night. "Wow you have the best legs I have ever seen" Flynn growled as he said it turning me on very much but I didn't want to lose myself yet parents would not be too proud to have a teen engaged in under age intimacy. still it didn't stop me from letting him caress my leg, he kissed all the way up and back down again.

I couldn't help but smile he looked on to my gaze and came up to my lips and kissed me, no matter how many times he did this the feeling never got old, I felt like I could hardly contain myself when he touched me. Then someone knwocked at the door and I got Flynn to hide under the bed, luckily he was quick enough before mum came in. "Helllo sweetheart just brought you up a drink, dont forget to pack your bag for school tomorrow, OK?" I smiled she was always so caring. "Thanks mum" she kissed my forhead and left turning the light off. "phew...that was close" Flynn whispered as he carefully got out from underneath the bed, "your mum already said good night to us anyway and she went downstairs for tea before she came to check you so she wont notice i am gone," I felt his arms come around my waist his hot breath on my neck giving me goose bumps."Shall we lay down then?" he said huskily in my ear making me shiver "Sure though don't try anything?" I smiled, "Damn..." he chuckled "No I wont I promise," we went over to the bed and he laid beside me, I hugged him close using him to keep warm.

He shuddered slightly and said through gritted teeth, "jesus you freezing!" it was true though despite it being warm I was frozen to the bone. "Don't worry though i'll warm you up," he kissed me and I felt a fever coming instantly and it felt good, hepulled me closer and deepend the kiss I moaned slightly but pulled back, "I went to far didn't I?" he looked at me with an expression that showed he was kciking himself "No its fine can't help it i am just that damn epic," he growled slightly with laughter and we both settled down for the night.

Heyy guys! :D i know i am constantly updating but high demand of my friends I couldn't disappoint hope you like it let me know what you think and don't forget to like and rate! :) P.S, if i get 100 likes or votes on my final chapter of the story LIVING IN THE MOONLIGHT I will start the sequel but I might add a few familiar characters in to it ;) hint, hint ;D xxx

The complicated life of Amina ***WATTY AWARDS 2012***Where stories live. Discover now