Chapter two A frustrating lesson

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Chapter two A frustrating lesson

OK the first line is a little recap of the last chapter ;) xx

I thought to myself, could this day get any more surprising? Turns out I was right. When Mr Swallows reached his classroom door he unlocked it shoved me in then secured the room. "Sir once was enough..." he cuts me off "Amina I apologize for earlier I couldn't help myself I just feel the need to claim you," He lunged at me but I was prepared I jumped out the way causing him to walk into the wall behind me.”Sir, you do not want me have to report you to the head teacher, do you? This type of actions are considered illegal and classed as an act of paedophilia!" His face went pale when he realised he would lose his job but then confidence came back into his expression "Fine, but if you tell they will never believe you!" He cackled. "Well I have evidence while you attempted to grab me, my phone captured everything I made sure it was on and recording before you dragged me in here, I am always prepared!" That's when he stopped laughing and a grim expression played across his face, that's when I knew I had to get out somehow.

As I approached the door and tried to open it he tackled me to the floor pinning down my arms with one hand while the other was confiscating my phone and deleting the recording. "HEY! LET GO OF ME!" I fought against his grip but he was determined that I didn't escape this time. "Oh I will let go just as soon as I have done this..." he put my phone on the nearest table and crashed his lips to mine, in my mind I was screaming and not in the best sense. Then he started nibbling on my lip roughly forcing me to kiss back or else. I cried inwardly with tears in my eyes when I finally pulled myself together he was trying to undo my shirt but I was having none of it... I head butted him, then made a grab for my phone and without the slightest hesitation... broke the glass on the door and leapt through it cutting my arms as I landed the other side, I quickly got up and ran for the head teachers office, I couldn't wait another second longer this needed sorting!

I knocked on Miss Rudiya's office door and heard the familiar singing tone "Come in dear!" I walked in Miss was wearing a kindly smile; thankfully she didn't think I was sent here for misbehaving. "Hello Amina dear, what can I help you with?" her voice was full of joy the smile never leaving her face. "Well I came to report a case of sexual assault from a teacher..." I watched as horror replaced her cheerful face, she took a long breath and asked more sternly "Which teacher Amina? and what kind of assault?" She got some paper and a pen and got ready to jot down my every word, "Mr Swallows..." she cut me off "the new teacher?" Her eyebrow raised in a concerning sort of fashion. "Yes" I confirmed, "He assaulted me twice today but I thought it would be a onetime thing and it wouldn't matter but when he took me from my ICT lesson and tried again I knew that was just the beginning of a never ending chain of events if I didn't tell someone..." I paused unsure whether she would believe me, but a nod from her encouraged me to continue, "the first assault was after P.E, I managed to have daydreamed whilst getting ready for my next lesson and missed 45 minutes of it, I know that was my fault but I won’t do it again... Where was I? Oh yes so I went to maths Mr Swallows class of course, he told me to wait outside which teachers normally have a student do when they are late and made me stay until the end of the lesson so he could have a word with me..."

She put a hand up meaning I needed to wait while she wrote that last part down, when she put her pen down she questioned me "Then what happened dear?" I watched as she quickly picked her pen back up, I took this as my queue to carry on.

 "Then he called me into the classroom and suddenly locked the door, he sat on his desk and told me off about being late once he finished I asked him why he locked his door, he told me it was so no one interrupts... the next thing I knew he was leaping at me and trapped me against the wall and kissed me against my will, I needed to escape so I kicked him in his weak spot unlocked the door as fast as possible and ran to meet up with my friend, I didn't tell him just in case this blew over and he recently lost those dear to him so I didn't want to stress him anymore..." she sighed obviously concerned that this would damage the school’s reputation.

"How many others know of this event?" she asked I simply replied with "Only me and him of course" she seemed to be relieved and she urged me to further explain the rest."I then had my third and fourth lesson with my best mate talked all of lunch then I went to ICT got logged on as usual then Mr Swallows asked my teacher if he could borrow me...and then similar events occurred but this time he tried to undress me so I head butted him, because my hands being held on to and broke through the glass in the classroom door and sort of cut myself on the shards..." I showed her my bleeding arms, they were still oozing blood from the gaping wounds that were etched deep into the flesh from the glass and she seemed to cringe at the state they were in, looking a bit alarmed by it. "Well dear that's all the information I need, now let’s try and get you to the hospital, you need to have those wounds stitched up." she lead me towards reception where the phone call was made to my parents and then to the NHS and I sat down in the chairs surrounding the desk and waited for the ambulance to come.

Then five or ten minutes later I heard the familiar sirens as an ambulance pulled up outside the school, men in white coats came and carefully escorted me over to the van and sat me down on the bed inside it. They cleaned up the blood around the deep cut and gave me some painkillers to numb some of the soreness. Next thing I knew we were in a doctor’s office and I was sedated and taken through to an operating theatre to have my arm stitched up. I woke up hours later to find Stefon sitting by my hospital bed holding my hand looking worriedly at me I giggled at his expression and lent forward to hug him only to be pushed gently back on to the covers of the bed. "The nurse told me to make sure you stay in bed for a while and relax until the anaesthetic wears off," He said kindly, I felt a bit annoyed not being aloud to move for a while but in the end I just smiled, he was just making no further harm came to me and for that I am glad to have him.

"So what happened to you Minzy? You are most definitely not the clumsy type," he felt the stitching and looked back up and locked on to my eyes, I felt this strange fluttering sensation in my stomach begin to rise when he did that but I shook it off soon after, "Oh, um, I went to the girls room tripped over the bin in there because someone put it in the door way and cut my arm on the shards from the mirror in there that someone must have broken..." and I did it again that is two lies... god I am horrible I should tell him the actual truth but how can I? He is having a tough enough time as it is! He doesn't need me to add to it... I will tell him eventually but not when he is grieving over his parents. For now I will help him until he is at ease. That's what a good friend does right?

"That sounds terrible! I think I better not leave you on your own from now on Minzy you could end up being killed, maybe I should just get you a leash" He winked and we both laughed we loved teasing each other we never got too carried away though, as we were calming down a nurse came in and told Stefon I needed to rest for a while and I will be released tomorrow and that they alerted my parents of the damage. Stefon kissed my hand then got up and walked out of the room, as he disappeared from my sight I looked at my hand as if a pixie had just appeared on it, that is the strangest thing yet, though the strangest thing was I felt my cheeks burning as I remembered how his lips made contact with my hand and sent sparks through me.

I wake up to my parents sitting on the bed either side of me mum holding one of my hands dad stroking my forehead, they were definitely worried last night. "He sweet heart, how you feeling?" mum asked me using her soft gentle like motherly tone of voice, "I'm fine mum they hand to stitch up my arms but I’m doing OK," I looked at her seeing her a bit relieved that I wasn't in pain. "So baby girl let’s get you out of here and buy you a new blazer, jumper and blouse!" dad said enthusiastically he always tried to brighten up the darkest of moments. I love my family I really hope mum lets him stay with us, my mum and dad won’t be able to replace his but at least he will be with people who love him, HANG ON! did I just say love him...I just keep feeling more and more weird around him...could it be?... no, no just ignore it and forget Amina, he doesn't need a girlfriend sucking the remaining life out of him, plus this feeling will probably pass over shortly... Right?

Well guys here is the second chapter! :D YAY! Let me know what you think, like vote and maybe help me decide the people who would play the people in this story? Xxx love you all loads! Xxx :D

The complicated life of Amina ***WATTY AWARDS 2012***Where stories live. Discover now